This is the current list I am playing for a friendly League at our local Store. We are playing under 50% on Lords & 50% on Heroes to allow some...
Dont worry about losing skinks, Probably they will target Kroxigors. Skink have parry save.
You dont need saurus for that purpose. Use a Skrox for the same points youll be deeper in ranks.
Re: Steg (plus upgrades) vs 7 Cold Ones (plus 1+/4++ scarvet You will need some stubborn combat blocks to be able to stand against a Brett...
Re: Steg (plus upgrades) vs 7 Cold Ones (plus 1+/4++ scarvet Scarvet ftw.
Then your rolls must be incredibly average. I have lost many times entire magic phases due to a bad roll. You fail a cast and you have lost your...
Why I should avoid hitting the flank of grail knights in my turnn with an OTS Oldblood Carnosaur and a charge in the front with Razor Banner TG...
Now you are in the scenario when your opponent have tons of PD and you also have tons of DD so you can match the attemp or get pissed with an IF...
Dispell Scroll is a must when there are some spells who could obliterate your army. Also having a vassal is golden. Take a skink priest.
ok, I'll check it next time I can get the book in my hand and tell my rival we did it wrong :S Anyway this thread is about Carnosaurs. Bloodrorar...
As awesome Kroak spell is. You have nothing to deal with 1+ AS. You need a Saurus Character there. You will have troubles with WoC, DE, HE,...
I Searched through the AB of Bretonia and didn't found the rule. Their special rule was magical attacks and any model could issue challenge as if...
You will need some deffensive augment / hexes if you want your carno to survive. Wyssans or Iceshard Blizzard. A new game I played with...
And again the problem isn't the rules or the saurus statline. The problem here is the meta. Players shift the game when they aim for the win...
Frenzy comes along with Immune to Psichology. Immune to Psichology prevents from panic, fear, and terror BUT your reaction vs charge can never be...
Look out sir is for model type. Base size means nothing. Although spell generation is done before deployment, so you can keep your Slann...
And they can field as many units they want or only one per army as big'uns in orc are? Saurus are well costed. Low WS is one of the...
You are not taking into acount that they can repeat more than twice or thrice the same kind of unit as they are not the same. Also what an army...
Lizardmen have access to best magical defense and it can work without slann. Dispel Scroll + Cube of Darkness can pretty shutdown magic phases....