Kroxigor base is 40x40 mm Cavalry base is 25x50 mm It doesn't fit You can go 2x2 Kroxigor formation with 2 Saurus characters at each side...
solo profiles are meant for special characters in End Times. And if we get some love in the campaign its rumoured to be on Mazdamundi. Even if...
When playing Carnosaur you have to care for 2 things. A) Warmachines. Try to deal with them before put your monster in Line of Sight. Or march &...
Bring Salamanders. Also you should go for skink priest/chief with ruby ring of ruin and a bastiladon. 2 cheap bound spells that really put a hurt...
SW with Scarvet in cold one inside the unti should benefit from the lore rule Since in the unit there's a cavalry model. So difficult is 9. In...
Stomps are automatic hit resolve like shooting. Also as impact hits , i think they dont allow special rules. Its the same as kroxigor stomp,...
You better dont fight this blocks. Saurus Warriors die like skinks. Better remove skinks at 5 points. But templeguard is worse, as they dont...
But if you are smarter you bring them in a cold one unit and refuse the challenge, he choses one but takes the whole bunch of attacks. Lets say...
His profile isnt scary. What does him good is the overall buff he does on all nurgle models. Facing and army of Nurgle demons requires two...
You are not charging lone characters, you put the pressure on them to make them decide wether stay out of close combat where he can be targeted by...
Curse is really big. Cast it on their main block and see how his center just move but not march. As no one would leave their main block behind...
And nowadays is when mindrazor becomes the best spell in warhammer. Guys, the rules clearly states that one model even if its bigger than a...
For 700 points Slann High Magic lore master w/ channel combo in TG. He is the army general Slann Death/Life/Shadow/Light lore naked. trade two...
While usefull High Magic can't handle DP. Also the lore rule is awesome but it is needed to cast a successful spell. Against Chaos you'll try to...
Curse of Aranheir is triggered when unit march, charge or flees. As it is worded that any kind of terrain is treated like dangerous. This includes...
I've used a Beast council once and it went pretty well. Naked slann w/ beast lvl2 priest w/ beast lvl2 priest w/ beast ASF Oldblood Initiative...
How you handle this ítem? Let's say you got a Oldblood with Charmed Shield & Healing Potion on Carnosaur, it takes a warmachine hit and the rider...
Hi mate. I should try to fit the next Slann 375 points or below. Wandering Deliverations would give you all the balance you need. Oldblood...
In one game i could test the difference between them I fielded 3 !!! Stegadons. My list was a bit troll i have to say. wanted to try some things...
Use Wandering Deliverations. Best against VC. It can snipe pretty easily his monster with boosted shems. Can faily easily his hero and monsters...