Unit Rating of Troglodon's Benefit: A+: Oldblood A: Scarvet B: Kroxigors & Templeguard C: Saurus Warriors So its obvious Troglodon should run...
Re: 8 SKINK CHIEFS! 2000pt "army" Should be worthy of a comm Oldblood w/ Crown of Command + X Skink Chiefs + Skirmish Unit. Now you have all the...
I see them more utility in combat than shooting. They have good Movement, also Skirmisher , comes with 2 attacks of S5 + 1 Stomp of S5. They have...
As skirmisher are in scattered formation, catapults, mortars and other templates calamities would harm less models than in Rank and File. So again...
Skirmish unit can reform themshelves any time, march forwards or sidewards (just facing the new direction). You gain maneuvrability. Also in...
If you are trying crazy things for fun. Have you ever play RPG? There's always a classical build in the player group. And Lizardmen can do that...
Re: Debating 2 armylists for upcoming 2400pt LARGE Tournamen Trim slann cost to 360 or below no bsb. (WD or HM loremaster + dispel scroll) Enter...
Also you can field your Lore of Heaven Slann in a corner of the battlefield far from any harm and buy 3+ naked Skink priest lvl1. Roll first the...
I have the feeling that Slann is not the best option to deal with some armies. I faced a friend who was spamming the shit dreaded 13th. I fielded...
Im not aiming to combine charge at the same time. While you run 3 fast units on the flank , your opponent will be eager to neutralize them so...
Razordons hunting pack are a cheap cannonball goalkeepers. put them in front of your monster and they have 1/6 to mess the wound roll. then you...
I like the 12 +1 Skrox. I field them 7x2 (7 skinks in first rank + 5 in second +2 krox gap) I run them on flanks of my blocks. So they can...
Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it I just give some ideas and if you or someone like them. Its free to use it. I wont claim any rights on an...
Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it Well I'll be following this thread as I like your style, the Razordon is by far more fierce and savage, this...
Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it Hi Rikard, I'm a proud owner of alternative Kroxigors (3) by Avatar Of Wars Lizarman-hero along with...
RAW is clear, you target a hero, the model gets the benefit. If done, the best target is chief on regular stegadon. As it have one more attack....
The worth of the troglodon increase as long you bring Predatory fighter elite troops. The more Oldbloods and Scarvets you have, the better Roar...
Wyssans, speed of light, byronna's, flesh of stone , miasma, iceshard blizzar, hand of glory, and all that affects units modify all the unit...
Hi fellow lizards I'll try to add the following games I'll be playing for now and on. Since English is not my mother language hope you could...
ahhh good lad this Matt Ward... Unbreakable - Unhittable - Flying - Magic item purchasable (to cover the few chances of killing him) Daemon...