The first time I read about him I though this might be an Old One. But then came this order-demons-stuff up and well... if the Old Ones created...
My bet is on this world dragon that teached Sigmar about the realms.
Not necessarily Seraphon but:
I've read it. There are no interessting bits. No, really. :) It's just a big colourful commercial. Like always. The most interessting thing is,...
Temple Guard was 41,25$ for 10. Now 55$ for 15. That's 12,5% off. Saurus was 35$ for 16. Now 38$ for 20. That's ~15,1% off. What a shame the...
Does it really matter? Isn't it a plus in a (hopefully) advancing timeline to not have any named characters who would die of old age without plot...
Then it wouldn't make sense to release a Battletome. I feel with you guys but there won't be any new models until... I don't know end of 16? Way...
The Thunderbeast Host sounds like an army box but more like a few big beast than core units to start an army.
The Starpriest will be the Tetto'eko model I guess. Its summon spell is 'Summon Starseer'. I bet it's just a generic character now.
This thread seems to fit so I'll post the WD news over the next week(s) here. So, lets start:
Yeah, but the warscrolls are for Lizardmen. Respectively Whfb models. There are characters in the warscroll compendiums that were even already in...
It would really be a shame if they drop the Slann. But as far as I remember there is no AoS artwork/fluff text/photo of Slann aside that one short...
They will definitely use new style elements but they won't release a whole new range of models. I bet most of the plastic boxes will be compatible.
I would totally get Skinks in battlesuits!
The forest spirits of the Wood Elves were the first existing "faction" that were rebranded (as Sylvaneth) and repacked with round bases. That was...
Ah, come one guys... That was the clearest move ever. Not even GW starts a new system and drops two month in the first army. ;) Personally I...
Hi, I guess I am the new one. For now. I'm 28 years old and from Germany. I played Lizardmen in Whfb for the 5th and 6th edition and then...