It seems nuts to me that they would drop such an iconic model (Skink Priest).
I don't think the saurus are as upscaled as people think. But... Revered Chotec LOOK AT THEM NEXT TO SKINK SIZED THINGS!?
I wonder if the Aggradons will replace cold ones in Old World aswell. Do they come in units of 3? Definitely prefer the war born kroxigor,...
I hope so.
This didn't age well : c
You make that sound like a negative.
I kind of wish we could purchase Saurus Warriors already, kind of similiar to how we were given a small part of the Lumineth early. range.
I take it everyone has noticed we are getting a new showing every other monday? 06/02 20/02 06/03 See you on the 20/03 guys : D
Ye looking at the seated version he just seems to be awkwardly standing.
You would say that : D I mean the old one is still good but I think the new one is alot cleaner. Edit: @Matrinder good eye, you might be right...
Straight up improved model, glad I didn't rush to buy the old one. Great.
"That’s not their only trick. Foes who stray too close may find out what happens when skinks feed their pet salamander some tasty emberstone...
What kind of 3.0 stuff have people asked for and received then, I really don't keep up with too much AoS wise. My lore knowledge goes as far as...
What characters do we think we will see return to the setting model wise for lizzies anyway? Or are we likely not to get any, I suppose alot of...
You mean the full customisation of the kit or that they might not even get spears at all?
He is also great for converting
Oh I see what you guys mean about the axolotl cheek crests, ye they seem very out of place, I'd probs replace them with something else.
I'd say skinks have aged worse than Night Goblins and Skaven and they seem to be sticking around. But I think it's 50/50 if they actually give us...
The kit looks alot more like the old old one. Especially reminiscent in the skink crests.
I doubt it's the seraphon reveal for this week.