Looks like we are getting two lizard reveals, aos or not.
Can't wait.
I could see the size thing but I think the new saurus have alot more gold details in the new sculpts, more than the original guard at least.
Random thought, what if Temple Guard became an upgrade kit for saurus warriors, heads, halberds and maybe shield difference otherwise they are...
Are we talking fantasy or AoS though? Alot of factions only have 1 monster set/centerpieces in AoS. Fyreslayers, Flesh eaters etc.
Surely the new slann is a MUST-have as the older model uses a way smaller base + palanquin. I think we have more centerpieces than any other army...
Reckon we might get another reveal today?
I also found these today at my local nerd'ish store. Steals. I should be saving for the 4 boxes of saurus I plan to buy but summer is so far away.
Runour engine looking like more lizards, it's apparently glorious and looking at it is dangerous. New large monster? Basilisk esque? Big snek...
+ Cope.
Not sure I agree, they've said we would be able to use our old armies. Lizardmen don't really do anything of note besidest venturing outside of...
Why would lizardmen + vampire + ogres counts be the exception? Why do you think they woudn't ever come to Old World either?
I'd be more worried about those shield/sword arms stretching out personally, at least the tails can be angled toward the gap between the backward...
Well we supposedly have tomb kings, bretonia, orcs on release so I it seems like it will be more like middle earth sbg in that we get all the...
Are we likely to get a value added box set on release? Hoping they have a few units of saurus in a deal box as I'm going to getting 4 boxes worth.
Last I heard, all Slann were capable of this and did do this before the last seraphon book was dropped a few years ago.
I hope we get cold ones, warriors are my 1# but my cold one riders are a 2#. Will probably buy in bulk for the first time ever. Not looking...
Yea I'm chuffed enough we got new regular saurus warriors, first mini I ever bought was the fantasy saurus warrior kit, will probably magnetize...
I'm glad they didn't give the Saurus any loincloth.
New saurus, noice they look good. Nitpicky but I wish I could switch to scaled shields. (Older ones might look goofy with the detail on the new...