I thought Sylvaneth was last year : c
I thought we were getting a final order battletome this year? Which would be either Cities of signar, Kharadron Overlords, Seraphon or Lumineth...
Why not? You WILL buy the new minis. It is not a choice Personally I still think we are getting a battlebox. We've just had our last battlebox...
That Chameleon is looking more human-like than the usual 6th edition+ style of reptilian we are used to. No complaints in that regard. Going to...
Is this new or old? Haven't been keeping up with new rules tbh.
Lol derp I mean obvs the halberd and head/skull pieces are from the temple guard kit and the shields sre from the normal saurus warriors kit. U goof
Yes they are, and the arms and heads are all from that kit, I just used a lil bit of milieput to reposition.
Wait... what the poop, so terradon bolas are melee weapons like flails now? Those are sone chunkey leeches!
Seraphon WARCRY: the thread O thanks haha I'm sorted now though.
Nvm found a video lol Edit: buggar I'm 60points over 1000, curse noj even numbers!!
"As for Lastly our abilities. I feel our abilities are too spread out across different modells and too weak in general i had several situations...
Yea was planning on buying the warcry cards with our potential new book this... today actually..m hopefully... can play kill team and skirmish in...
Aethermaric blue primarily with 3 layers for saurus scales and 2 layers for skink scales. White scar for highlights annnd the rest is prolly...
Thankyou, unfortunately the saurus haven't done very well against my friend who plays skaven in skirmish, due to the 1 wound , so I'm hoping that...
Been working on my warcry warband all week. Almost finished... prolly gonna need to paint the other two saurus guard.
Actually I just layer up another layer of aethermatic for my skinks. Edit: on the back scales.
This isn't the worst outcome we could have gotten. We have new blood bowl miniatures which can be converted. (And look really nice) We still...
To be fair I don't think we will get a warband set we only have 3 warband boxes that come from armies out of 9. At least (if) we are getting new...
For the main army factions yes ofcourse as they are the same models, for the warbands in warcry like Cypher lords I am pre sure you can in slaves...