Warseer is often called Whineseer for a reason. Those people bitch and moan about anything even resembling rumours, which often comes from sources...
I can't quite figure out how to vote on this, so I went with "mixture". The Elven Hosts are completely overpowered, and borders on 40ks...
If we still have Slanns with access to all magic lores, I'd pick this kind of spell every single time, not caring how good it mechanically is. It...
This is a rather cute assumption. Remember that, no matter how official some people seem to think tournament rules are, they are still just...
Exactly how GW acts as well. I don't particularly agree that this is how it should be, because it causes huge issues when you meet new players...
That... doesn't make any sense, since the bookkeeping required to keep track of each and every model affected by a debuff is absurd. I wish...
Often playing Skaven, Undead and elves, I love Trickster helm. My usual setup is 1 oldblood, 1 scar vet, and I often use the AoD on the scarvet,...
I think this should be made more clear in the original post as well. I went with the "How do you play it" interpretation, because asking "Does...
On this very forum: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=13759 It basically removes the old dated rules, makes it fit more with the...
+1 Wouldn't mind a cool reimagining of the Lizardmen though. I would prefer seeing something completely new, though. Not just a few tweaks,...
Damn, really wanted to use this, but I know it will be tough getting people to accept this. EDIT: I missed the point of the entire site there....
I wouldn't invest too heavily in any armies right now, but not because they might get axed. I have never thought GW would seriously remove...
This is also pretty absurd, and makes GW writers appear like the usual basement dweller stereotype people love to make fun of - If you think a...
Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga But the "narrator" is GW, which is the epitome of making "very little sense". Not...
I saw a gaming website which sold for 3000ish points of Lizardmen for the equivalent of 100£. You will NOT be getting your moneys worth by...
Or at least make sure they are stubborn. Otherwise, aside from the rare rubberlance charge, it doesn't really matter whether they hit the skinks...
Almost. 3 spells on Tehen, 2 spells on the priest = 5 spells, which means you could get unlucky, and you forego Wyssans completely, which is...
Are... Are you for real? I am not sure what to say. Part of me refuses to believe that anyone who have actually read Thanqual would seriously...
I think this has nothing to do with "Rules help".
But this applies to mostly everything involving chance. I remember my first 3 games using the cube of darkness. I rolled a 1 all 3 times when...