50% lords/heroes isn't End Times rules. That's core rules. If anyone claims otherwise, point them to the FAQ explaining this.
But hey, if you throw him against his preferred enemy, Daemons, he WILL cause some serious pain to their units. Same deal with VC. This can make...
Double CR also doesn't matter if the unit has steadfast. Which, unless you get some good flank charges going, will never happen. And he cannot...
Re: Steg (plus upgrades) vs 7 Cold Ones (plus 1+/4++ scarvet Somewhat, yeah. A 4+ ward helps, because a cowboy is a small target, and even if it...
If they take the elf host armies, they HAVE to use the khaine magic rules. It's completely non-negotiable. The rules as written couldn't be more...
Re: Steg (plus upgrades) vs 7 Cold Ones (plus 1+/4++ scarvet Oldblood is easy to get to 1+/4++ without AoD, so I'd save that for your scar vet....
It's easy to make stand ins, especially for certain units. temple guards are basically just saurus with lots of bling. Chameleons are basically...
Ripperdactyls are dangerous stuff in CC. They mostly need that flank/rear charge, but if they do, they'll wreck things hard, especially if they...
It's... a difficult decision, because they are not strictly better than anything else. Chameleons does poison shooting better, cohorts does...
30 Temple guards at 1250 points is 36% of your army. If you add a magic banner or magic weapon, things become more expensive. That's a huge...
Not sure I understand the question. Trogs don't have access to weapons options.
1. Yep. The main flaw in the current magic system. Irresistable Forcing a Purple Sun can decimate our entire army with no problem at all, which is...
I must admit, I haven't really seen any *good* replicas made on 3d printers. Could be the designers skill, sure, but the models just look... off....
Important note: you get OVERWATCH shots, EVERY TURN he charges in to get you out. So if he charges you, and fails to get you out, he took a...
@Lordkingcrow: Nice analysis, gives us some perspective from "the other side", so to speak. And yeah, I assumed no parries, because I replied to...
As someone who have faced ogres a couple of times, and seen them WRECK necromancers, i can assure you, our Slann is FAR more difficult to kill...
No. No they are not. This is why they are not well-costed. You can argue about thematics all you want, but theme =/= balance. Low initiative...
Sisters of Battle. And they got an update, what, 6 months ago? Besides, we have confirmed we are being bubbled, so if the rummour about...
People that keep saying everything we have is bottom tier are fooling themselves. Skinks are among the, if not THE, best redirectors in the game,...
Hold your horses there - this is still purely fluff. Removing the slanns would likely be a magic nerf to us, but in terms of overall gameplay and...