He isn't ethereal, he quite literally IS a mummy. He is even flammable, so he is definitely not a spirit. Wish his in-game stats reflected this....
Mostly wondering how Orcs and Goblins are supposed to work this out. They don't really seem intelligent or coordinated enough to pull off neither...
+1 The idea of the bubbles landing somewhere else isn't completely unrealistic, and would explain a few of the races reemerging. HOW some of the...
I saw a Lizardmen vs VC game with a VC list that destroyed me, played by someone online - The lizardmen player in question got himself a crushing...
I just wondering how they intend to implement magic.
I never for a second believed it, but I can see why people feared it. Basically, the original rumour, which had some pretty valid sources to back...
Ï do wonder, though- All this bubblehammer stuff is making me wonder how magic WILL work in 9th. The khaine magic rules seems to be more because...
Yep. And he'll be immune to poison, too, which is awesome for those high toughness monsters.
That would be workable even with a standard level 2 skink priest. He's got the spirit of a slann with him, working as a level 4 slann that cannot...
If I have an issue with the slann, it's because of the same old "his bonuses doesn't make him a better caster" issue. A usual, fully kitted out...
Sorry if my post offended you, but you hav misread my post - I wasn't talking lizardmen as a whole, but Slanns, specifically. Lizardmen aren't...
So basically, we aren't gone, just thrown away in bubbles like some of the elves were.
To be honest, I can kinda get behind the reason for doing it, though I think it's a stupid choice. Slanns have been... difficult to balance....
My thoughts when I heard this was: The old ones arrived at the new planet (The current one we are on). Here, knowing that Chaos would find them...
You forgot all 3 Chaos armies and the Elven armies. Everyone who have gotten new stuff has been given pretty powerful things. We get a formation...
So... which winds remain, and what happened to them?
With your list, Wyssans is easily the focus. T5 is tough to kill, even for Chaos Warriors, and S5 helps punch through both their armour and...
No, rumours OF RUMOURS say we are getting removed. The original rumour (which is at least somewhat legit) says nothing about the removal of...
For an army of redirectors, heavens is way more insane than you think it is. Those 2 units your opponent uses as redirectors? They just got...
Wyssans is golden in general. S5 T5 saurus are ridiculous. S5 T5 Templeguard with Razor standard = can opening extrodinaire, which is perfect...