Wow, this was surprisingly informative. I haven't closely read these rules, and we've played it as two seperate things. First you roll your...
Still surprised people keep forgetting this.
We have a 35+ page long thread about it. If you want to kill a few hours/days, you can go read it to get a better idea of the issues with the...
...Hence why I said an email doesn't prove anything. And by "official GW", I meant GW employees. Even if it isn't true, most people expect GW...
Hence why I didn't even bother to post it, because if any GW employees word is good enough, you could go to any store in the world, and ask - and...
Aside from the "laser precision" cannons have.
I don't think anyone expects new participants to read the entire thread anymore. No one can be expected to read such an obscenely long thread....
Ogres have worked with pretty much everyone at one point or another. Even Chaos. Ogres are mercenaries. Reading their book, they have worked...
@hdctambien You talk as if Supporting Attacks is the only way of ever making more than one attacck against someone not in base to base contact,...
I'm thinking that disppelling became a lot more risky if you roll for the amount of dice you can use. you declare you want to dispel a spell cast...
Please no. Not another storm of chaos event. It's utterly pointless to make these kinds of plot advancements, if they are just going to retcon...
Re: Wandering Deliverations and Focus Mistery in end of time Ah, in that case, yeah, WD suddenly got ridiculous. Though you still miss out on...
Re: Wandering Deliverations and Focus Mistery in end of time WD doesn't give access to the lores, just the signatures. You don't get to roll/pick...
This is my exact issue when people claim these kinds of GW rules are "clear and undisputeable". We are assuming tons of things. Why we do this,...
Since "Logic" is apparently still the entire argument against an FAQ, I'd like to highlight this one. Logic dictates that Unmodified means NOT...
Or just use the new rules for magic and take a bunch of skink priests. cheaper, and all have automatic access to horros. Throw them in a unit...
Now you talk about killing, specifically, which I didn't. Skinks are super good at countering White Lions, because White Lions will spend an...
But only if he joins after the character joined the group? And not the other way around? That doesn't sound right to me. Though that does mean my...
Some lores will be significantly different in power after these changes, while others will be vastly inferior in comparison. Death and its lore...
Chakax can as well. Though he is an overpriced crappy character, so you probably don't want to do that. Or at least, since he grants a unit of...