Another night spent chipping away at my guard. Shield is still wet... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Oh, absolutely like glass. They fracture in similar ways, but there is a large molded contact point for superglue to grip onto at least. I have...
5/15 Saurus Guard painted 1/1 EotG assembled and magnetized 0/1 Finish up on the Slann
They glue back together relatively well unless they are in a million pieces. Any luck on that front?
All magnets are in place, and it's ready to prime and paint next month![ATTACH]
Figuring out what corners I need to cut to finish up this first batch of Guard. [ATTACH] Just have the gold and shields left on the first 5...
I heartily second you on that. Looks great!
RNG and the universe sent me here to say that you can probably proxy-swap out your old blood for a Scar-Veteran and run your list pretty same same...
Agreed! We were running a slow grow league a year ago and when I got paired up with a fairly coy nighthaunt player. They politely insisted that we...
Looking forward to seeing it!
Idiocracy is a gem! The only model I have named in any of my armies is a Wulfen with the name "Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho" on the base...
Thanks! Like I said, I am kinda going for Mardis Gras on parade, just wait til I get all 35 of them painted up...eventually ;)
Can't wait to see them! Do you think you will go for a glossy finish on them to make them look like the slippery eels they are?
Nice conversion! I feel bad for the oliphant, but you put some great work into it!
Also, my wet and dry palette side by side... [ATTACH]
Some slight progress on some guard models. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] 2 generations on primer/basecoats. I have made some swings in my recipes....
Agreed, besides, I have 2½ armies for 40k, but I will only ever play one in AoS. I am part of the problem :D
Me too! I have a slog of them to work through, but only 25 more to go!
I especially like the one on the far right!
That is a fair point.