First of all, the rule about Slann Wizards knowing about the Summon spells isn't even an Ability. It's listed under the Magic header, which comes...
What passive abilities are you referring to? At least in the Lizardmen pdf, the only passive abilities that don't say "this unit" or "models x...
This might work for pairs of people that get together to play occasionally ... I play at my LGS and any given Tuesday night any number of people...
At least as far as Chameleon Skinks are concerned, never summon them! During deployment just use Chameleon Ambush to "deploy" as many units of...
I think the usefulness of a Retreat is in combination with another unit charging (or being within 3"). If the unit that you are retreating from...
It's the full version of the rules, only the fluff is removed.
The thing with cannons is they can shoot twice (hitting on 4+, with rerolls if an Engineer is nearby), they can split those attacks across two...
or 16% worse because most things get at least a 6+ save against them!
Haha. @Sleboda being @Sleboda. But I completely agree. Especially for your first games, you can't really judge what parts of the rules are...
It's a bit strange that GW kept both the "to hit" and "to wound" rolls. You could cut the length of the combat phase by 33% by just having a "to...
I think it wants to be. It has a very munchkin-y feel to it. I like playing munchkin, I'll probably like playing AoS. But I liked Warhammer...
Thanks Bob! Also, thanks English Language, that's why we can't have nice things!
I downloaded all the FAQs a couple days ago. I'm sure there will be a way to find a .zip file of them online fairly soon... ;-)
Why would any army be lead by any Slann besides Lord Kroak?
Yes, you can magic in the hero phase, move in the movement phase, shoot in the shooting phase, charge in the charging phase, and melee in the...
Does the Temple Guard rule stack? Sworn Guardians: Temple Guard were created to protect their masters. If this unit is within 8" of any Seraphon...
Getting the charge off isn't always that important (specifically if there are multiple combats going on) You only "get the initiative" in the...
Yes, pretty much. Infantry goes on 20's, Large Infantry goes on 40's, Cav on 25x50, monsters on 50s ro 50x100, and War Machines go on 50's. So...
The problem is every subcommunity of WHFB is having this same conversation. The Sweeds are writing 8.5th Edition, the ETC folk are writing The...
They haven't *but* 1) They are going to make a Lizard army, and 2) They have an auxilary army called The Herd which is in beta and is obvisouly...