GW seems to have gone full WYSIWYG ... So I believe, especially from the description of the Skink weapons, that models are equipped with literally...
Here's how you balance the armies: You agree on a length of game and use a chess clock. If your clock runs out before 6 turns is up, you lose....
It sounds like the group I play with is going to play it this week (because it's free and we have the models) but then we're all switching to...
"A model’s base isn’t considered part of the model – it’s just there to help the model stand up – so don’t include it when measuring distance" .....
Heck, Slann summon *everything*! And they can make pretty much anything in the army fly! I'll be plopping a Slann in between 4 Bastiladons ... 3+...
So apparently saurus are deamons now? (I've only gotten through the characters section so far)
If Tetto'Ekko miscasts and rolls a 10+ on the miscast chart, is he still a Loremaster (Heavens)? I think you are still a Loremaster (High) and...
Here is a list that I've been playing with recently. It comes out to exactly 2500 points. Slann w/ Light Magic BSB, Skavenpelt Banner,...
Another solution is to avoid the bull. Just throw Skinks in front of him all day long while the rest of your army dismantles the rest of his army....
The Doombull's weakness is the unit of Minotaur it runs with. Just attack those. If the Bull charges out of the unit.. it's gonna hurt.
Crazy. I guess I'm usually getting pummeled by Cannons and Bolt Throwers more often than regular archers that it never really came up for me. So...
Yes, you get an extra attack from Paired Weapons! I've found that 6 turns is too short to try to replace High Magic with another lore. If I take...
You don't get look out sir from archer fire. So it takes 45 shots to kill a Slann. Specifically, 45 shots from core units. Waywatchers don't have...
Exactly. If you loose combat bad enough that you needed the Crown of Command, your Slann will just crumble to dust. That's why I think the War...
As long as the unit contains 5 or more models of the character's troop type, he gets a Look Out Sir. BRB 97: "a Look Out Sir! roll can be...
So I did a quick first draft of this crazy idea: Slann (565) BSB, War Banner, Fencers Blades, Egg of Quango, MR(2), Potion of Foolhardiness...
I don' think it's going to go well for your Slann. But if you really want to try an ethereal combat slann I would not reccomend relying on the...
If your opponent wants to kill Tetto'ekko, Tetto'ekko will die. But that's not terrible. If he's focusing that much on killing a <200 point...
I was running a list with two Troglodons. I've since updated that list to have 1 Trog, 1 Ancient Steg (with Engine of the Gods) and one Bastiladon...
I'm expecting some big changes in 9th edition. I think GW is trying to slowly introduce them a bit at a time right now. Might as well get some...