You *can* take a BSB and Magical Items as long as the BSB is not a magical BSB. So, Scar Vet + BSB + Armor of Destiny is okay But, Scar Vet +...
Fiery Convocation. Let them burn! After a couple rounds of that there'll be 10 - 15 of them left. Shoot up the remainders with Salamanders and...
Only skirmishers can march and shoot. Stegadons and Bastiladons are not skirmishers, so they cannot march and shoot :-( They can make a regular...
Goblins with the Power Scroll (is that the one that cuts the Casting Cost of a spell in half?) and they can pretty reliably cast an End Times...
I like the idea of a cannon dealing d6 wounds to what ever it "hits" (after the first artillery die) and then dealing only 1 wound to anything...
Could you use the Power Stone to use more than the maximum of 6 power dice to cast a spell?
If you reroll all the dice aren't you also rerolling the 1's (or 6's)?
The Old Blood can't carry the Battle Standard. Only Slann, Scar Vets, and Skink Chiefs can be the BSB. You can swap the BSB over to your Scar Vet,...
What is an official GW TO? I wasn't aware that there were official GW tournaments or any sort of process for becoming an official TO. Around...
There is also a post somewhere in this thread (or hardyworld's earlier FAQ thread) where someone said they once worked for GW's support team and...
I agree that a clarification about when a spell can be recast would be nice, but a spell cannot be both "successfully cast" and "successfully...
Who Can Strike, BRB Pg 48: "Normally, a warrior can only strike blows against an enemy model in base contact. The most common exception is if he...
You can make all the attacks you want from the 2nd rank, but if it is not a Supporting Attack then it can't be directed at an enemy that is not in...
That's not how dispelling works. 1. The caster chooses a spell 2. The caster rolls a d6 for Power Dice AND a d6 for Dispel Dice 3. The caster...
Magic Resistance and Feedback Scroll?
Someone just posted this over at Warseer: So I recieved some information from a close friend of mine recently regarding the Skaven Release for...
Also note, when you run a front rank (or more) of characters it is important to wrap your head around the intricacies of the step up rule. What...
When you put a character in a unit, you move the model it replaces to the back of the unit. You don't bump the column back by 1 model. So the...
Only Scar Vets and Slann can be the BSB. So, an Old Blood cannot carry a Magic Standard, or any Standard at all.
Haha, only you Sleboda. The Slann has access to 64 spells... at the same time! What do you need to happen? The Slann can make it so! Yeah ... I...