I think the magic phase is actually being weakened rather than strengthened. You can only spam-cast spells until you fail to cast a spell. Being...
I wonder how this rule will interact with Tetto'ekkos reroll rule and the "can't reroll a reroll" rule. Do you have to choose between rerolling...
I think the d6 in in addition to the normal 2d6 (4d6?) windos of magic pool. Ie, you roll 2d6 for the Winds, then each time you want to cast a...
Ididnt see anything in the leaked pages about 4d6... But there could still be other pages with rules on them.
What? 4 ranks of elves that can all attack, rerolling all missed To Hit rolls AND all missed To Wound rolls isn't balanced enough for you?
From the leaks I'm seeing now (http://www.ulthuan.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=892400#p892400) it looks like there is no Loremaster for everyone....
Since nobody has read the wording of the actual rule, it is not possible to answer this question. Most likely Slanns will not be able to swap 1...
Since there is no FAQ, how do you play the rule? Lizardman players will want PF to work with SA, and their opponents will not want it to work in...
I think most people that are arguing that PF does not work from SA would agree that probably PF *should* work from SA (RAI), but the RAW don't...
Had some success with the above list. But I'm changing it up a bit in terms of tactics and getting a little less soft wit the comp. And probably a...
Similarly, when I have a Slann with the Channeling Staff and +2 Channel Dice and 2 SKink Priests I just roll all 5 dice and count any 5+ as a...
This is also a misreading of the BRB. The Supporting Attacks rule is written in the context of "Fighting a Round of Close Combat" and under the...
Okay her is my crazy time Double Trog list: Slann BSB, Skavenpelt Banner, Channeling Staff, Obsidian Lodestone, Ironcurse Icon, Sword of...
So, if you shoot at a War Machine with the Troglodon spit attack and wound, do you deal d3 wounds to the War Machine (thus removing d3 crew...
Yeah, I'm not too sure what 12 Saurus would do, either. Sit back and not die hopefully. I like your idea for core better. I'm toying with the...
A cannon can only kill 1 Skink per turn. And if he's shooting cannonballs at 7 point models I think you're going to be alright! And if you deploy...
One more thing. Reservoir of Eldritch Energy is awesome against Dwarfs. It's basically a free power die every magic phase!
Oh, he'll move when there's an impending Str 6 - 10 rock about to land on him! If you deploy against the back of your deployment zone there...
Comet. Comet. Comet! If you can take Tetto, take him. Also get a level 1 and level 2 Skink Priest on Heavens and Slann on High. If you have to,...
If all of his attacks are at the same initiative he can't split them between the unit and the characters. The characters won't stepup until that...