I'm working on a list for the Lonewolf GT next year. It's going to be Swedish comped. All lists must be between 6 and 16. It will work like this:...
If you have less than 5 models in the front rank AND full command then the Slann can be pushed into the second rank because there isn't enough...
ASF and ASL cancel each other out. So, if you have both rules then you attack at your inititive (and do not get ASF rerolls). So GW Elves vs...
Pretty much this entire argument comes down to whether the "can only make one attack ... regardless of ... special rules or other unusual effects"...
As long as the Step Up rule still exists, there isn't any hero hammer. Plus with Undeath Lore everyone can run a Level 1 that creates on-demand...
A normal model steps into his place, but does not become a champion. Otherwise, you would always be able to accept a challenge with a champion as...
Some more slippery slope for ya'll Taking a big of the FAQ about the Battle Standard Bearer refusing a challenge: Page 107 – The Battle...
Another "subtle cheat" that can come up with closed lists is "forgetting" which unit has the flaming banner. If I charge your unit with some...
That's just another example of GW's poor rules writing. At least this one was FAQed to allow teh d3 to be added before the dispel roll. However,...
I asked this same question last week: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=15071 It turns out the BRB kind of does define what is...
In addtion to hte "does it affect models in close combat" question, there is some question as to whether Kroak's spell being defined as a Direct...
Yeah, it looks pretty clear in the English, too. "If the enemy has failed his dispel attempt (or not even attempted one!), the spell is cast...
It has been brought to my attention that I may have been playing the Lizardmen High Magic Lore Attribute incorrectly. I'm interested in what yous...
There are different rules about what happens when you encounter a 3rd unit in the two different cases. It would make sense for both cases to work...
I don't know if this is the case of anyone else, but the internet seems to have died in my neck of the woods. Facebook is down. Amazon is down....
I agree. That's why I don't think 50% lords will be anything like Hero hammer. It'll just add a little flexibility in character builds, but you...
Heck, I already run into army comp problems when I fill up both my Lord and Hero slots. I don't think it would make my army much better to replace...
Tetto can keep the Saurus in line with their PF if he's within 6"
And specifically the End Times book comes with new scenarios. It's likely that they (at least some of them) will be written with the expectation...
Units that have vanguard are deployed during normal deployment, so they do count towards the +1 for who goes first. But the act of moving the...