Uploaded this im the Slann gallery yesterday and someone suggested entering in this competition. Wasn't aware of the competition until then. If...
Hello this is my Slann [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I'm curious to see how the monster army is going to work. They specifically mention Stegadons, but I'm curious to see what other monsters can be...
The only army I had besides Seraphon was a small amount of Nighthaunt units. Was planning on building that army but I got bored of them. I...
Currently painting this dwarf model I had laying around. A friend of mine is going to use it for dnd. Does anyone know where this model is from? I...
Painted this one for a friend of mine yesterday. [ATTACH]
I'm going to play a game this evening and haven't decided which of these two lists to play. Sorry for the clumsy formatting, writing this on my...
Here it is:...
I love that this is the 15000th message in this subforum.
Almost done with a starseer and 15 guards. Then I have 20 knights and a scar vet to go. I also want to paint a priest this month. Almost one year...
Don't you have to cast CoF on the Slann for the +1 to the roll of LoSaT?
Stegadon from WHFB on the left, EotG of the right: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My goal is to paint 15 guards and at least build and magnetize 20 knights. Bought the guards and 12 of the knights 2nd hand for €21. They didn't...
I really hope skinks will remain (or become even more) useful. Painted a lot of them the last couple of months.
First model from the starclaw box almost done:[ATTACH] Tried to practice blends a bit:[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Got some painting to do in the next few weeks[ATTACH]
They eyes were made with green stuff
Would I be better of swapping the Chameleon Skinks for 2 Razordon and 3 handlers? Or does each Razordon need a separate unit of handlers?
Update Built the rest of them yesterday, painted them this evening. Pretty much stuck to the colour scheme of the first one. Playing a game...