We play 50 wounds starting, with up to 30 wounds summoned on top of that with a required wizard or priest keyword. Otherwise it's whatever you...
I'm already planning to order more next time too. I think you can never have to many lizard-dice
Arizona. Wonderful little surprise waiting for me today. And just in time, next week starts a new tournament at my local game store.
I can't wait for these to be in my hand leading my lizards to victory. May the dice gods bless them with cold blooded luck.
I'd never seen the old skink priest in plastic. Just the new one with all the feathers.
Lord Kroak and the Standard Bearer are both finecast and GW is done making finecast. So they probably ran out of those models in stock now and...
They are massively powerful and can usually kill big things in one turn. But, without skink patrol they can get shot down before they get to...
I like the Skink formation especially if you play any objective based games and not just destroy the enemy. I usually use 2 units of Chameleons, a...
They have utility as hit and runners but are not 8th ed Skinks, so don't try and use them that way. Their retreat works well when there are...
Ripperdactyls. 3-6 for pure awesome killyness.
Saurus hero on a Cold One would be cool but I'd rather have Horned Ones with Skink riders. Maybe a Kroxigor riding a Bastilidon would be kind of...
You're right, and I could be jumping to huge conclusions of combat based on a mis-read by someone who could be looking at a draft copy that's...
That would be pretty awesome. I guess if you don't think of the game as having big blocks of troops anymore it's ok. It would really be our...
Well, it doesn't fill me with total dread. - simple turn sequence: initiative -> player 1 unit 1 moves, shoots, casts -> p1 unit 2 moves,...
Here's my order: Comet, Gemini Black-Red, 1 Wound Marker, Gemini Black-Blue, 5 D3, Scarab Jade, 2 Snake Eye, Gemini Green-Purple/Gold, 3 Death...
Even if GW keeps Lizardmen as an army and even if they update them regularly I'd be interested in new 3rd party lizzy sculpts to have a more...
I think something like this could be pretty successful with a kickstarter campaign. It could get you the capital to start producing miniatures...