An army consisting entirely of slann... That is so broken its funny - a sinlge deployment drop means you can always decide to go first there fore...
I've just realised that that is based off both units attacking at the same time - if the bastiladon attacked before the skinks every turn then the...
I'm interested in how this would turn out now :p so 40 skinks (armed with javelins) - 5+ to hit = 13 hits - 4+ to wound = 6 wounds - 3+ save = 2...
Plenty of comp packs do limit the number of warscrolls that you can take of a given type - the CWC comp limits the number of wizard warscrolls...
The armies were all picked using the Cheltenham WarChief (CWC) comp pack - I've attached the comp system a few posts above. Its all based off a...
looking forward to reading how it goes :) hahaha very true! which is why I converted a £5.99 model off amazon and use that instead :D
I would recommend either a dread saurian or dual bastiladon or 6x ripperdactyls - have one of these options and you'll be able to deal with most...
I used a dread saurian in a 1 day, 3 game tournmant last weekend. There's a full description of how the day went in the battle reports forum...
Documents as requested - I know the comp pretty well (didn't design it) so I will try to answer any questions you guys have :) 1) Comp Rules...
Scenario 3 - the battle for the pass. This scenario is played longways on the board with 3 objective markers and 2 large pieces of impassable...
Scenario 2 was garrison the buildings. 2 buildings, setup 9” to the left and right of the table centre. Scoring is only from the end of battle...
So onto scenario 1 This scenario was 5 objectives on the board in a X formation - one towards each corner, and a fifth in the centre. The main...
Worcester War Games AoS tournament 22/05/16 This was a one-day, 3 game tournament, run using the Cheltenham Warchief (CWC) comp system. My army...
I'm quite pleased with the effect I got on the wings but not happy with the skinks. They are the standard skinks rather than the ripper skinks as...
Nothing unfixable - but not something you should expect in a £140 lizard model!
i thought Forgeworld models were renowned for good quality mouldings - has this changed recently?
in that formation they are fantastic turn 1 alpha strike - team them up with chameleon skinks (also in the formation, also starting off the board)...
Ahh yes - I hadn't thought of arcane scenery and curse of fates, I was just thinking +1's to cast, lateral thinking is clearly somewhere I need to...
can't lie - that's the same reason i got into it :P and we're most likely not the only ones!
Have you thought about dropping the saurus warriors, it would free up 15 points and then you can have a 30 point summoning pool and summon in 60...