Summoning is a huge part of Age of Sigmar, but it is also very powerful. Every comp pack that I have played with, has put heavy restrictions on...
I quite like the idea of a "dive bomb" ruling - but I suppose that is already nicely encapsulated with 'swooping dive'
Would you also introduce a ruling over flying high so you cant be shot at (or seen by the enemy) but you would need to lower your height before...
I can't help but feel it's been too long since the 'dinosaur' race actually had a dinosaur that could actually do something other than die...
sounds pretty comprehensive to me :)
Interestingly, I thought archeaon's rules made him more powerful than Nagash and both are significantly "harder" than a dreead saurian, but having...
wow I guess I really shouldn't give any tactical advice then... I dont profess to know everything but I have used both rippers and terradons...
Ok, well that's a fairly comprehensive rebuttal, if I may: I was not trying to say dont go any where near saurus knights - they are a difficult...
I suppose another thing to think about is how does your height ruling work with the true line of sight rules for shooting? I assume it would have...
Very nice work sir! - will spend some time tonight or tomorrow, digesting and contemplating all the fun and giggles I could have with this
I'll drop my thoughts here on saurus knights, don't bother, get your eye in with some simpler units - saurus knights are a pig to play right and...
My Club's house rule is we always measure from the model's base and not from the model itself - a lot of tournaments have gone down the same...
For me Best units to include are Temple Guard and Bastiladon - both are crazy hard especially when supported by a Slann that can give them re-roll...
my experience of rippers has been in conjunction with the skink patrol (or shadowstrike starhost) formation - even in a unit of 3 these chaps are...
I have converted a Papo dragon model to act as a Dread Saurian - I can't afford £140 - Got the inspiration from a fellow forum member, apologies,...
I REALLY REALLY can't wait to use this guy in earnest - most comp pack will make him almost prohibitively expensive - but looking through his...
Question on rippers guys - If I summon in a unit of rippers (either from slann or through EOTG) do you get to deploy a blot toad for the new unit?
3+ with mystic shield went to 5+ thanks to the rend, brutal
I had a unit of iron guts completely rip through my Unit of 25 temple guard in one turn they caused 19 wounds with a -2 rend - absoultley no way i...
I have just been having this discussion with some of the guys at my club and I have been shown the below exert from another forum about this...