thats ok - its just a static image file :)
Brilliant thanks - I've got an idea as to what I want to do - just didn't want to put all the effort in then not be able to show it :P
192 x 192? - i would've thought a signature picture would like a banner? 400 x 100 or 800 x 200?
Is this forum available on tapatalk? - i cant seem to find it - If not +1 for getting it added to tapatalk!
Heya, quick question can I upload a picture for my signature? If I can, what are the recommended dimensions?
I have to agree with @Gazbal on this - the warscroll's stat line states how many attacks each model in the unit gets. The definition of the term...
I agree, that is a question for my club and its comp, not for here. Just using it as an example as it was fresh in my mind, and we didn't resolve...
that would be a good game - skink battallion vs saurus battallion - I want to do this now!
Ahhh I didn't realise that, thanks. I assume the negativity over three units is due to the finite number fo models you have? If you had 90 Saurus,...
sorry is this in the main "rulebook" I don't remember seeing this on the warscroll? dont you need 3 saurus units in a battallion? Sorry if these...
Reading this thread, it kind of seems like people are arguing (maybe that's too strong-a-term) over something that we all fundamentally agree...
Sorry - I've just realised I've completely ignored the actual topic of this thread oops, my bad >.< Saurus Oldblood - yep agree with the other...
I have played with a saurus battalion and I must admit - I love it! Blocks of saurus are just so hard to chew through with the battleshock...
Is it just me or have jungle swarms been given a MASSIVE boost in usability in Age of Sigmar? Since 7th edition there really has been no reason...
I need to test out a skink patrol list just a question of what else to take... krox maybe and salamanders with skink priest, Oxyotl and bastiladon.
That was not something I had realised - and it was brought up in my game last night. I'm still in two minds - on one side the summon spell is a...
hahahaha - i think unfortunately, a large proportion of the player base has forgotten about this For me - fun and sportsmanship died when i...
Kind of agree with the majority here - not a great comp system (and also not hugely interested) On a cynical note, is this GW's long term plan?...
this is improved (more overpowered) if you have a slann on the table and use the constellation that allows you to re-roll misses :P just watch...
Hi guys, looking for feedback on a possible tournament list: Slann Engine of the gods Engine of the gods Saurus host inc: Oldblood 20x saurus w/...