Hmm I see what you mean about the 2+, and I must admin the sacred stegadon helm has been a nice ice breaker when my old blood does make it into...
Ok , I've had a think about the list and I have made some pretty significant alterations to the list after having read through other army lists...
Sorrry I may be being thick here but can you explain the above? - wouldn't the save be 2+/4++ - 4+ scaly skin, 3+ light armour, 2+ mounted 4++...
You had me worried for a second there - but just to clarify the army book says the unit size is 1+ packs and a pack is 1 salamander and 3 skink...
Thanks for the welcome guys :) My army list has been posted up I look forward to your feedback :)...
Yay, for GW rule clarity! - or lack of. Thanks guys
You make a good point. If memory serves me correctly, the quick to fire is new for this book? (coming back to lizards after a long hiatus) I'll...
Hi guys, this is probably a really stupid question so apologies if so, but I am looking for some clarity: If I have more than one salamander in a...
My only real concern is that warmachines are going to look at that cold one unit and think that xmas has come early - the same goes with the...
Ok so I'm coming back to Lizardmen for the first time in 3 generations of fantasy and I've got myself a copy of the current army book and dug out...
Hi All, Suppose i shoud start with the background - im a lifelong fantasy player and have alwyas had two favourite armies above all others:...
Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes Ok - Positives: You're taking saurus characters - they are great solid combat...