Also I'm going to bet a heavy endless spell list will be one of our most competitive if with can have more than 2 bound endless spells
So excited for theorycrafting. Can't wait to see what everyone cooks up. I know I'm going to have 1 very sad chaos player in my club. Sounds like...
So I predicted a couple things, saurus getting buffed at the cost of teleport also I was pretty sure skinks being able to retreat would be gone...
I actually have used glitter on a model as a test to make it look "stary" it does work lol
While I am a Saurus fan boy. Spamming skinks hoping for crits and playing objective sounds like a sound strategy as always. Granted I have not...
Stay strong my fellow lizards!
Was playing a game against my good buddy who is a hardcore Tzeentch player( I was playing my deepkin). He agreed that Slann should be on par with...
These are wise words for life. Not just this hobby. Well said.
Not sure about the new chaos book but I figure it might be more for non match play like the forgotten realms book.
Also with contrast paints. Really one thick coat is all you need. Often if I try to add another coat or go back to a spot that's already got paint...
The people ask so I give them what they ask for. It was but one post in a long ongoing shitpost that has become for the most part our general...
I'm expecting Seraphon to be on preorder next week, but since our news came from an event it could be a month tops.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Saurus warriors are tradition painting method, the skinks and guards are 100% contrast paint. Also...
I did yellow contrast for skinks with the bone contrast for their scales!
Was reading some of the comments on the Age of Sigmar Facebook page. Specifically looking for their replies and I found two that sound like no...
Art work they teased is showing a lot of saururs I hope this means their rules got as much love. No models of saururs in the pictures is curious...
And this is exactly why I don't think GW should put God figures into the game.
Good luck getting 10 saurus knights all into combat and with all those buffs. That's a lot of requirements to make them decent. Story of our army...
Please let's not have mechanics that work with battleshock. Way too many abilities or ways to avoid battleshock I'd rather kill models than relay...
I assume GW can't simply use Total Wars models with out working out a deal. I really like the total war games, but I'm actually not really a fan...