25 seconds in and lies. West coast is the best coast
All this mention of a skink force and no talk of our boy troglodon!?!?
Or they hit overwatch on 5s with the possibility of rerolling 1s to hit or all hit rolls. Tau like when you charge.... Just not when you make it.....
I wanted to sell one of my 40k armies, but Tau and GSC are two of them and Necrons are the 3rd. Looks like all 3 could get an update this year
And GSC are pretty pyshic heavy as far as lore goes. Isn't the next psychic book GSC vs Tau, we know Tau is getting a hero so maybe GSC will get...
Clearly seraphon or maybe GSC
I gotta say, comparing GW decision for a 40k army to a AoS army is ridiculous. For all intensive purpose you are comparing two different...
High aelves makes a lot of sense for their teaser for AoS. They have been hinting at them a lot in the lore that was released in 2019. No big...
I do really think Seraphon right after STD makes a lot of sense lorewise, but so does a Tzeentch and Seraphon release
Does GW ever outsource to known players to test the battletomes? Maybe amongst our ranks are some sneaky lizards who know more than they can...
Skink riding on the Kroxigors shoulders operating a mounted laser. The more I think about it we should employ this on every model and scale the...
I don't remember the IDK having any bird symbols or anything that wasn't underwater. However it does look like a ship and that looks like a...
Finally ahkelian allopex are 100pts. Still not a great unit but at least a unit of 4 went down 80pts My Eidolon and shark list went down 100pts.
The idea of the skulls not facing proper doesn't seem right. The little sash attached to the skull is hanging down so it appears to be in it's...
I hope they don't use this as a reason to retire older armies from AoS and limit/stop production of models. Left with just book updates for this...
\(-.-)/ hail the meme god
Resin heroes as plastic and a sallies/razzordons plastic 3 pack. Might as well do Kroxigors while they are at it and be done with resin. Our...
They have a spell and another option in a unrealistic battalion. I forget which it is I sold my Tzeentch army and book :(
Deepkin has at least 3 top tournament list. Conventional eel spam with volturnos, fliptide eel spam, and akhelian corps MSU eel spam w/ volturnos....