Oh man I'm the same way. If only I made that connection sooner. I would of loved my Tzeentch army more. Now I miss it haha.
Order: Seraphon and deepkin already have so I'm set!(don't worry I'm not spamming eels)Seraphon was my first Warhammer love. Rip lizardmen. Also...
I'll use my necron Monolith for this. My friends won't know what hit them!
I did play Warhammer fantasy when I was a child and young teenager so my view is skewed haha
For DT/SS any ideas on what to replace 3 razordons with? Maybe another starpriest and a command point?
\('-')/ ohh great Old Ones take these sacrafisac and bless us with a new battletome
It probably stems from Warhammer fantasy. Back then Saururs were on similar power lvl as chaos warriors and chaos warriors were elite infantry....
I agree we need to reestablish what it is that make Seraphon. Played a local tournament yesterday and every time I play Seraphon I feel like I'm...
Was bound to happen, but is pretty annoying. Makes it look like we are a copy paste job. I really hope when we get a new battletome it includes a...
The lore does reference Teclis having his own alves but that he is withholding from deploying them(as of Forbidden Powers). My guess is they might...
Also the amount of time and effort to get an army tournament ready discourages changing armies every balance change. So unless you have unlimited...
while you can position and list build to get a bunch of +1s to casting, I wouldn't say that is masterful casting. At the end of the day I'm...
I'm so confused on what the issue is. D3 mortals and destroying an artefact is in no way a spell you build your army or strategy around. It's...
Wait the oldblood on carnasour's command ability can effect his mounts weapons? I thought only his spear was an eligible option for the extra attacks.
Maybe with the new heal spell giving a -1 bravery debuff and trog being cheaper(also has innate -1bravery debuff ) GW took away the Fangs of Sotek...
I fear the same and honestly doubt major changes or any significant changes to Saururs coming until we get a new battletome. Maybe small tweaks to...
If I read it right, no max sized units so no blob of 40 Saururs. Only 2 of any warscroll. Behemoths can't be in turn 1 until after the first...
1 organ gun currently cost 120pts, gyrocopter cost 80pts. So for 380 you can take 2 organ guns and 1 copter, organ guns hit on 2s(if copter is...
Thread semi derailed, but honestly I just love our discussion and obviously we are in a stale spot armywise. Playing both 40k and AoS and WHFB....
I think you are missing the point of contrast paints. They are not meant to replace old painting techniques. It's meant to help those who want to...