So I've had the chance to play a decent number of games now using the Alpha-strike Skink Chief. I'm realizing it's pretty easily...
I think battleregiment can fit all the heroes. Kroak as commander Starpriest and astrolith take up the subcommander slots And EotG is an artillery
Here's a list I've been working on for Fangs of Sotek. The idea is to get everything into 1 drop and have a force that can do some serious damage...
Yeah I had considered doing that but the +4 movement and fly effect is crucial at getting into combat with the target you need dead. Also I...
Total buffs on the skink chief turn one: Command Trait - Prime Warbeast +1 all mount attacks Asterism - Great Drake +1 attacks melee weapon...
Here is a TL list I've been testing and wanted to get some advice on how to improve it. I had a chance to play it this week versus some Slaves to...
Ah damn, that's a bit underwhelming then. I figured we could get more points than that. On the summoning table there's stuff valued at 30...
I had an idea for a summoning focused list. I'm a newbie to seraphon so I've probably missed something in the rules that makes this unplayable but...