Don't Chaos have the same types of bonuses vs lizards?
Rippers are really good and would be amazing. They will really shine when you can add in the other units for the shadowstrike starhost.
So summoning has these things going for it: First - As mentioned, you get what you need where you need it. Secondly - which is implied but not...
I think that the shadowstrike starhost is very powerful - the ability to not set up your unit of rippers gives you an immense amount of board...
And Dwarves (at least Dispossessed)!! Dwarves (dispossessed) - Slow and defensive, rely a lot of killing things through use of unit abilities...
I'll give you undead! New subfactions seem to highlight this, but undead have always been very character focused. Undead: Dead, but not-so-much,...
Summoning I guess? Personally I like the rippers. As was mentioned previously, I think that the blot toad gives you a lot of board control. If i...
It would seem that the stacking effect would be perfectly legal to me!
I didn't even think about what LordRibbit had mentioned. He's crazy. Definitely the next model I paint up!
Star seer is ridiculously powerful. Those rerolls really really help. I asked this before and the consensus was that it works, though people house...
I'm unfamiliar with that ability in the seraphon army. Can you post the text for the ability and then we can better interpret?
I've been wanting to make one for skinks / kroxigor to hold. I like horde type armies so skinks are a lot of fun for me. Love it!
Probably a much safer bet. I was taking a quick look at the points requirements for the Thunderquake: 60 salamander (1) 40 handlers (3) 260 steg...