Same philosophy as modeling a 3 foot long spear and using it to get a level 1 charge off. You have to pay for the movement of the spear. It's so...
No the flying rule basically says that you ignore models and scenery but if you wanted to use it as a tactic to change heights to shoot while...
Dont know if this has been posted yet, but photos of points values have been located!
Nothing to say that you couldnt, but in AoS as written, you measure from parts of your model, so you will have to pay for the vertical movement...
As written, they can just hover above stuff and shoot without being able to be engaged if you modeled them that way. All just opens up the...
Yes. I don't think that measuring models will be around in ghb2. Flying units should be pretty straightforward from here out I'd imagine. I've...
Personally, I would. I think that a lot will change and our army will be affected a lot because we were one of the first battletomes - so I think...
The point system was released along with the General's Handbook. If you go to you can look up all of the point values for our...
Matched play and pitched battles are the same thing. There are only 2 play styles. Open and Matched. Pitch battles are a part of match play. so...
No reason for a Slaan to take a quick silver potion. give him a phoenix stone. I'd also drop 10 skinks and get another salamander
These are all just side effects to being written before ghb that changed summoning. Hopefully they will all be fixed in the coming few weeks with ghb2
Likely the language, points or changes to the rules of 1 in the GHB2 hopefully address the issue of kroaks signature spell being lackluster in...
Definitely costs points
There is a thread on here about the Woogity ordering - however, I am under the understanding that they are only sporadically being produced if at...
engine of the gods is super unreliable without a starseer or a slaan to help you manipulate the rolls a bit. As was mentioned you need at least 2...
I agree with the above on all points
Yes, he can attack any model within range. Of course, that means now that your other unit of rippers is within 3" they are able to pile in and...
I've always viewed terradons the way I do rippers. I imagine moving to drop rocks, then firing books from 3"away and then charging the remaining...
Other option is to try to shoot the clan rats off next turn so that frees up your Carno / knights during the charge phase
I agree, go have fun with it. Depending on the list he brings, you will either roflstomped or do well :)