Basically. The only benefit could be trying to cast if you failed the spell with the other. You will also get two constellations.
I think that is a solid game plan :)
Bastiladon is always a solid choice. Statpriest is a pretty easy conversion , or you can use the Oracle from the carno/troglodon sprue as a...
You can also easily convert skinks into chameleons and get a really useful unit on a budget. Very easy conversion :)
Bastiladons do not benefit from cover saves as they are behemoths
You have to measure base to base. Abusing (as written) rules for fliers is easy. Fly your models 3" above the target (could probably just build...
Sharpie pens are pretty good for that. I certainly have one but haven't needed to use it. I did all of the eyes with a Winsor & Newton Series 7...
Think I should take it down to two? I just wanted to get a feel for each of them. But hey, I also still have 5 more stegadons :o
Also, first use of the gemstone effects GW technical paints. Not sure how I feel about them. Maybe after varnish I'll try to apply them again
Thank you. Stegadon skin was all done with airbrush. Rest of the model, because it came already assembled, was done with regular brush. I just looked in google and the image from the...
Finished off the Steg minus the magnetized weapons. This model came prebuilt with a lot of "melting" seemingly from excessive plastic glue. But...
Yeah. Fielding units of 20 skinks feels ineffective to me. I woulda dropped two units of skinks so you ran 10 and 10 and grabbed 2 more...
Nice - Yavapai? I grew up here and moved back after college, so I've been here for 20 something years :) Sorry to highjack your bat rep thread...
And beany has a great write up about the thought process behind his unit choices. Perhaps you can employ the same when thinking about your list...
Guard are very vulnerable to mortal wounds. Like the Bowser list, skinks etc are effective at holding objectives. They are low priority targets,...
Please give us an idea of what you field, who your normal opponents are and what types of strategies you use. AOS is all about stacking bonuses...
So yesterday I asked for someone to build me a ridiculously fun 1k list to play against my friend after work. Bowser responded and built me the...
Greetings from Prescott, AZ! Really like your stuff! I'm subbed on youtube and watch all your bat reps - I haven't touched 9th age, and only...
Just realized the up close photos of the dwarf slayer and crew member were from before they had eyeballs; which they most certainly have. No blind...