I see the melee skinks as a bit of a one trick pony. Definitely starborne only, and you kind of need to invest in cogs and hunters steed (which is...
Ahh yes, I am a dummy.
I think it can? The stipulation is that it can’t be a wizard if you want the free CP ability from the priest.... someone correct me if I am wrong...
A few comments: 1) I think overall the unit mix is quite good. They all augment each other fairly well. 2) Is there a reason you are using these...
It took me forever to realize the full potential of burning head but now I get it. Pop it behind your gunline. I just couldn’t see it doing a lot...
I would bring it just to cause vexation of my feeble-minded enemies.
Nice, always good to have an interesting topic to listen about when painting the ol’ lizards...
I think there is a potential list with 3x20 club saurus (or 1x40 spears and 2x20 clubs) In a Sunclaw dropping down and causing pain. Supported by...
Thank you for this - very helpful!
i agree with you, it makes no sense thematically and from a gameplay perspective. However, I bought one, opened the damn box, so will have to...
I think if you are bringing it, you have to plan for both scenarios, you getting your side or your opponent. The two potential benefits offered to...
Blobs of 5+++ witch elves come to mind as well...
If your primary source of pain is saurus charging, it would make sense to give your skink wizard the sages staff asterism, as well as balewind on...
It’s not, but I suspect very few people want to pay 70 bucks (Canadian here) for a terrain piece that is “not that horrible.” I think my friends...
I think that it would potentially make more sense to have Kroak in the temple and the guard behind it hidden. That way they have to attack him...
True. Unfortunately I think you are right that your have to position it far back into a deployment zone. If you place it at the borders edge, then...
Not sure if it would have helped one way or another, I think they had their kind made up their minds, and wouldn’t consider a change based on...
Agree. It is a fairly simple mechanic but it is not fair, and seeing some broken units/combos already, it sucks that we contribute to the problem....
With the current models I own (20 blowpipes and shields and 20 spears and shields) I have another 10 I assembled which I will make blowpipes and...
I hear you. I guess it’s the fundamental flaw with a narrative-driven tabletop game - how to make more than a dozen distinct armies actually...