I will still try. Will probably get the new SC at some point, since I want Terradons and you get so much extra for so much less... I also need the...
I like it overall. Quite similar to the list I made trying to justify the Oracle. A few points: If you want to run blobs of 40 Skinks, why not...
I have a friend who loves all the old stuff. The older the better. My opinion is that the saurus aren’t terrible models, but the Cold Ones are,...
Ahh I see, RAW, you can only use the Engine once per shooting phase, but with the CA you can activate additional engines once.
Pretty sure the answer is no...
I agree about the cost. I think he can be situationally good, depending on the opponent and the battleplan. That said, top tier armies and lists...
I was/still am super bummed out about the Skink Oracle’s points cost. However, I love the model, and my buddies don’t play super competitive...
Sotekspeed, soldier
The better question is why don’t you own a Dread Saurian being ridden by a Carnasaur, who is being ridden by an Old Blood. Like a Turducken, but...
Best thing I read all day.
no worries! I have been trying *really* hard to convince myself the bastiladon is still worth it. My favourite monster model.
not the best one for LoSaT assassinations tho? Since you want to be charging and attacking anyway, and will likely draw in a bruiser Unit that is...
I as well. although don’t use the CA on the skinks, use it on the bastiladon(s) that you will be double shooting. If you want to make bastiladons...
I hear you. A lot of our mandatory heroes are super squishy to boot. We have a bunch of units that do well on their own without significant...
Those are all pretty scary at 1K... Things to consider when the sky clears and I get around to playing my first tourney (guys I hang with like the...
overall in the meta you mean?
Suggestions? Assuming we would need to take a Malign Sorcery Artefact here for maximum effect, meaning if you run FoS or DT you need a batallion....
Just when you thought you had enough skinks...
Give me a way to make Carnasaurs good in Starborne, and I shall show you magical sparkling murder dinos every day
I agree. Now they just need to nerf some OBR, DoT, and a few other super broken battletomes, and we’ll be just fine! :D