I am working under the assumption that it will be FAQ’d to either: 1) be placed after territories are decided 2) garrisoned only by friendly...
I agree, it makes no sense to be arbitrarily restrictive in the sense you are saying. But at least they leave alternatives open if you choose...
Ok, that’s what I thought - I wish that these Battletome FAQ questions that have further implications across other factions could be collated by...
As a unit, I actually like them a fair bit. As a model, I flat out refuse to paint them.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I built my own salamanders/razordons from the flesh hound kit. I did a lot of conversion/work because I am a bit nuts, but...
Can you elaborate?? I started a Fangs of Sotek build on there, picked a Slann as my general, and gave him the “Saurus Leader Fangs of Sotek”...
I think with the right buffs and artefact, they are our most potent melee Monster. Carnasaurs come close. Both can be scary, but not a match for...
I really hope they clean up the stegadon mount rules with the errata....
vs Daemons they are definitely worth their points. I felt bad taking mine against my friend’s Nurgle daemon list, and that was 1.0 and with just...
I think if you want a Bastiladon you HAVE to do Thunder Lizard to get your points worth. I tend to look at listing building as filling different...
Yeah. His damage output is a bit low for the price, one cast really hurts him, and he has no unique command ability. The one thing going for him...
I think my lists will always try to have 2 skink casters when possible. One with hand of glory and one with battleshock immunity. I just need to...
totally get it now. 1+ is significant
I have heard this interpretation. Admittedly I am not very familiar with all the nuances of AoS ruleset, so can you explain this to me? Why is it...
The weight of efficiency balances between output of their ranged attacks vs melee. I think that melee skinks could work best in two broad...
True. Kind of sad Starseer doesn’t have 2 casts.
but why not a FoS list with 40 skinks, 3 Salamanders, 9-12 terradons, a buffed skink chief, and Kroak on a balewind casting tonnes of spells?...
the skink spell to avoid battleshock is something I am looking at a lot these days... give the caster the mages staff bonus to hope for a 10+, and...
I may have been a bit harsh in my assessment, but I am not sure that one could make a strong cas for two in a list... for 220 pts we simply have...
Quick mathhammer, assuming just the shoot twice CPs are used: 18 hits, 12w. Say, vs an elite-ish 4+ save unit: 6 go through, 12 damage. Vs an...