She’s four, so we were mostly role playing queens and (lizard) Kings for now. It’s 3D printed terrain from printable scenery, specifically the...
He has 220 points free, just enough for engine #2!
She has really been wanting to paint with Mom and Dad. I have had some things for her to try, but she wanted "action figures" like our minis (she...
Given the ability of a faction to be general, I knew there was some hidden asymmetries possible, but I figured it would trade off with not being...
I'm glad I refreshed before finishing my post as this says what I was going to suggest theorycrafting. I think dropping the razordon is right. A...
I am not sure how good the razordon is. Can you roll the number of hits and then allocate them afterward? The command ability for the Cold one...
I haven't played a ton of 2k games, so made a checklist for it since I know I will forget something (and may already be doing so).
Im playing agaist Gitz for the first time tomorrow against someone who is likely a member of this forum. I haven’t played against Gitz before, but...
I just bought a 3rd metal krox as I had two from 5th edition (when Kroxigors could be in Skink units). I don't really see running them now, but...
The person asked about Beasts of Chaos and Seraphon. The response was: "[...]As for the Seraphon, their time will come! Meantime, why not hunt...
Goals: 1) Get balewind vortex to an acceptable state 2) Get a few layers on cogs 3) start/finish starpriest 4) get a healthy start on kroak
Torxhol is emphasizing the dactyl part of the word which means finger and has several uses beyond pterodactyls. However, there was a dual meaning...
There's nothing dinosaur sounding about dactyl!
Can you explain this comment more? Why is it hard to play synergistic lists?
The list used on stream: | Ashley | | Seraphon | Slann Starmaster (General), Saurus Astrolith Bearer, 30 Saurus Warriors (Clubs), 10 Saurus...
Watching the match now, it seems to be a summoning agnostic list. Has a Slann, but running stegadon and no other support for bringing new units...
Battle report for the Cavalry-only Seraphon is now up.
Since Skirmish 2.0 was revealed in January’s White Dwarf, my friend (and most frequent AoS opponent) and I have been wanting to give it a go. We...
Last minute theorycrafting before our game tomorrow and I decided to go Scar vet on Cold one + 2 Knights. The synergy, extra wounds, and better...
We have our first two games of the campaign lined up for Monday. I expect to go priest + 3 Knights as I am easily convinced by the two people who...