Make saurus Atleast as tough as orcs giving it another wound would help alot. And GW Give kroxigors more synergies they need some love man.
You did well spawn brother
whats that?
rip my potential kroxigor stack, also Nakai
nakai?, its too conceptualize for a kroxigor maul
Would be nice if the 3 Kroq gar, Tehenuin, and Nakai representing the seraphon's 3 core species come back with their own stichk. Like Kroqgar...
Then by tier zoo standars both kroxigors and saurus are at s
Slann SSSSSSS++++++ Tier
I like the idea of adding more variants and sub species of lizardmen/ seraphon you go good sir.
Hoping for a kroxigor or a saurus
I like how you implement new creatures and slapping in seraphon in 40k as a giant wild planet, its pretty nice to read other's fluffs. Really...
Question is there a specific thread, where can I ask questions about Lizardmen characters?
A kroxigor Ancient would be a perfect kroxigor hero in the roster and gives Kroxigors a cast in the line. Oh and Is there a lore thread where I...
pls somebody do, GW needs to bring back seraphon characters, especially giving us more playstyles
By the old ones, what program did you use?
If thats the case its bigger than krakanrok the black, who was only mistaken for a mountain.
Like a temple city power generator, who knows the possibilities of a particular role is endless.
Could be used as mobile fortresses, But the stegadon kinda already fits the role
Thanks alot friend, I really admire people expanding more and more creatures that the lizardmen deserve. Also what are your thought about...
Are there more threads talking about fan made dinos? Ive been looking for it forever