Thank you! More terrain to come shortly! And nice, It really is a classic! I recently found a bunch of old 5th edition army books and have been...
That's good to hear! Funnily enough I actually have 10 spare skinks and 10 classic cold one models laying around and I was considering converting...
Hi all, I'm a longtime 40K player just starting to get into AOS and I was wondering if this was a reasonable starting list to aim for. Partly I...
Built a little hunter's cabin terrain piece based on an old white dwarf tutorial for a barn. We're even at the stage in the pandemic where my...
Call me a necromancer but I couldn't help but to post here after making a bit of jungle scenery, plus I'd love to see more of what everyone else...
Long time no post! Still waiting on paints to arrive to confirm my colour scheme for the skinks but while I was fixing them up and giving them the...
Well I was going to be painting up some skinks next but then I realized the blue paints I have were just off the colour I'm going for by a couple...
Nice! And creative idea about the coral basing too. Good to know the cedar foliage retains its colour, I was worried I might have to glaze it with...
I like your use of the cedar foliage here! (Also just stunning terrain you have here overall!) I also live in an area where such things are easy...
Looking good! I love how you seamlessly blended old and new on this model. Great work on the base too!
Just finished my Kroq-Gar! Mine was given to me by a friend after sitting unused in a giant box of other minis for years and so it was missing...
Finally got Kroq-Gar himself painted up! Now I just need to add some plants to the base! After that I will be painting some skinks! [ATTACH]...
Ok finally had time to finish painting the carnosaur and take some photos! Here it is: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Next up is Kroq-Gar...
Thank you all for the kind words! I haven't had as much time as I wanted to work on hobby stuff this past week but I've been able to make some...
Hi all, I decided to kick off 2021 by starting a painting blog for a project I've been wanting to tackle for a long time. A friend of mine...
Thank you all for the warm welcome, I'm looking forward to starting my painting blog and learning from all you fine lizards! And I've always been...
Hi all, New devotee to Sotek, I decided to start a project blog for 2021 to share my progress on my new lizardmen army for use in Age of Sigmar...