Great picture. :) Thanks Nightbringer!
I think this might help...
Thanks Carnikang! Hope you enjoy it. Sorry Bowser! Might I ask what country you're from? I might be able to fix it so you can.
Hello Everyone, It's been a while since I've been on here. Family, work, and writing has taken a good portion of my time, but a recent game of...
Now I've never been good at sculpting anything, but I think this looks pretty awesome! I'd like to see what it looks like after you paint him up....
Overlord, time and again your posts prove to be some of my favorite. This is one of them. Now if only I had a computer that could run this...
This just made me bust a gut! My daughter and I were watching Winnie the Pooh when I saw this. :D My wife is just shaking her head.
I'd have to disagree with you there Nightbringer. I don't think a cannon is ever a waste, unless it explodes on the first shot. ;) Increasing...
I loved that show. I guess a bunch of them had a show just like it a while back in... I want to say Vegas, but I can't remember. I watched it...
Considering that three of the four armies you've put on here are the armies I have (the fourth being the army I still want to make) I can only...
Wow... I mean, I don't like this new AOS crap, but this is a bit excessive.
Every time I see one of these I think... Awwww... Poor Hitler... wait, that can't be right. Very funny!
Sure, let's see your formula!
I was talking it over with some of the guys I play with and I think basing it off of wounds is a good start. However, the problem you run into...
So maybe this is just so far outside the old warhammer box that my poor little brain can't figure it out... There are no points? So I could just...
So far, from what I've encountered, it's all about word count. Everything I have submitted has been given a word limit and most require the...
As for the scar-vets, I have them numbered and will be writing down their location as they are placed. I know what you mean though, it's a lot to...
Also, what do you all think about changing up the Oldblood on foot and giving him a flying carpet? Always thought that would be fun, but never...
Well that's annoying... I had everything space out just how I wanted and it just pushed it all together....
I had been thinking about a pincer approach with this this. skirmishers skirmishers...