So my buddy and I thought it would be cool to see what we could field. He has a pretty sizable HE army and we both have Lizardmen. Here is the...
Special Education teacher. I'd like to say the job helps me be patient, but I think I use it all up at work. Sitting down and painting isn't my...
Pretty low quality models and too small. Is Warmaster still a thing? I think that was what it was called. Didn't last very long. Not sure I...
Still a whole month to go. I'm sure things will change as time goes by.
I'd say he cannot shoot. All you can see of the beast are some bits of the alter. I believe that if you look up the rules of line of sight it...
Walking Dead Game of Thrones Vikings I'll put Supernatural in as an honorable mention, but it should have ended several seasons ago. Now it's...
I think, once again Slanny (Notice my refrain from Putin? ;)), you have impressed me with your ability to paint a word picture in my mind. I love...
Hahaha! Love it.
I concede your point on the question mark. I think I made the error of speed reading through your original post. I guess I just never felt there...
Don't worry Putin, I heard your thunder first and have responded in kind. Bob... Oh Bob, Bob, Bob... I think you might need some help with your...
Well Slanputin, I can agree, to some extent, with Fitzgerald on this point. The overuse of the exclamation point is something seen in amateur...
Sorry guys, but I'm not sure I'll be participating in this next competition. :( I started a story, but have been distracted by another project I'm...
Never played WHF role play, but I LOVE Dark Heresy, Death Watch, Rogue Trader, etc... They are pretty awesome. Probably some of the best gaming...
I read this a while ago and forgot about it until now. Whoops! I think the only boundaries for Fan Fiction are those that keep the story...
[img] Pointing Trowel!
Hahaha! Love it!
I think you guys have it. Loyalty only lasts as long as the circumstances are in the best interest of the rat. I think there are a number of...
Curses! I was hoping it was an oversight and you actually DID kill the beast. Oh well. I envy you guys. Nobody in my group runs big nasty daemons.
Um... Unless you miss typed how many wounds it had in your post, it should have died to the steg. You wrote that it had 3 wounds left, scored 2...
I greatly appreciate this beautifully remastered image. I did tell Bob I would wait to see what he comes up with, but if he doesn't return from...