Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results! Sadly, I don't have any other WFB fluff pieces. I've got a few short stories...
Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results! Thanks for the award Scalenex! I'm honored. I was a bit disappointed with how...
Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results! Thanks to everyone that voted! Just glad I could write stories that you all enjoy.
If you can't get a rule book on ebay or something, I would suggest downloading it from piratebay. 6th was a fun edition. Wish I had my old rule...
Hey Everyone! Just wondering if any of you out there are looking to get published? If so, what company or competitions are you sending your work...
I feel like 6th edition was a more clear reflection of the Lizardmen from a fluff perspective. Slann were truly a force to be feared, but you...
Hey Everyone, So I spotted this on Bugmans and figured I'd post it here. I know it's not "official" GW, but it's interesting nonetheless....
You never know, maybe those leaked pages are there to mislead us. After all, if the rumors are to be taken as fact, there is supposed to be a new...
Come on people, let's get some votes on here! We're averaging 1 voter every 100 views. That being said... Love the artwork! :D
We say ba-STILL-a-don in my gaming group.
Not sure about all that, but from what I've seen of the game, it looks pretty awesome. Especially if you are a fan of the Left 4 Dead games....
I assume comments/critiques would be permitted/encouraged, but then again, I'm not exactly in charge here. :)
+1 Now that you mention it, that is a good question. I want to say that I'm pretty sure you can only every have one suit of armor, shield,...
Just realized that I skimmed over the terradon reference. o_O So I guess I'm confused, is this a human city within Lustria? Maybe I'll look...
This story definitely had some Lovecraftian influences and I enjoyed it a great deal. I thought it read smoothly with only a few little fixes...
Very enjoyable read. I love that you made a character that wasn't evil for evil sake. Just a man's journey that, arguably, justifies his...
Also, are you aware that 50% Lords/Heroes is the official rule for WHFB now?
Sometimes the dice gods are just against you. When that happens, you might as well throw any kind of strategy to the wind. I enjoy your battle...
I'm a big advocate for coc (I don't like that acronym o_O ) and I usually run 2 bigger units rather than big dinos. 2+ armor, fear causing, str....