I suppose my question would be, are you fighting this army in a tournament or are you going against a specific army? Edit: Also, what other...
+1 to the Horned One idea. Unfortunately, I converted my skink riders to terradon riders and lost the Horned Ones in a move.
What about Cold One riders? Would it make them Rare or could they take the one upgrade to stay in special?
I could get behind that idea. In order to keep it balanced, but still allow for some extra kick for saurus. Hell, even if they remained core,...
Just out of curiosity Phatmotha, when you did run saurus, what did you run and how big were your units? I can see that our metas are drastically...
So I have a little 750 point battle against Empire tomorrow. I know a cannon is coming, but there might also be some of those nasty knights and...
Yeah... Maybe when GW sees the error of their ways we'll get a FAQ/Errata. Which in reality will probably never happen. It's hard to convince...
Do you have an idea for prices on some of the spawnings and unit upgrades? I like a great deal of what you have here, the only issue I run into...
This sounds like the kind of army I would love to play! Very entertaining read. I tend to face a HE army quite often, but my opponent has never...
Re: The Nexs-Files - [Now for something completely differe I would just like to say that this is the first time I've looked over your work and...
Maybe it's because I don't play tournaments or maybe I just have a different play style, but I've never had an issue with my saurus units outside...
As a long time Dwarf player, I just figured I'd clear up a few things here. Now I don't have the book in front of me, but I'm on lunch and read...
While these sources do lead somewhat toward the "Bubble Theory", I still have hopes that the whole world won't be destroyed. It would make...
Honorifics: I always imagined there is a heavy amount of reverence given to all Slann, regardless of spawning. Though I'm sure more respect is...
It's like you're in my head. Dwarves were also my first army and I went to lizards for the same reasons. I still love my stunties (especially...
+1 I really enjoy lizardmen fluff. Take out the fat toads of unimaginable power... and we lose something. While it would be interesting to see...
Thanks for the feedback guys! So I bought an old 6th edition Empire army from a friend a few months back and have enjoyed it immensely. I've got...
Here is a crazy random thought... o_O What if GW actually is guilty of the original rumor, but has no intention of following through with such...
So on The Electors Forum, one of the members was able to dig up the latest shareholder finance report:...
+1 While I'm in the group that refuses to believe in rumor until proven wrong, I would also like to add that I never really had difficulty coming...