I agree with this 100% but will add that the first time I ever tried this lore out I rolled a 1,2,3,4,5 for my spells. :D:D:D the second time...
I could not have said it better myself; devious and nuanced. The LoS i find to be a very fun lore that offers different strategies you can't find...
Without overthinking this too much I think I have made my decision. I am ignoring the lizardman high magic because I think its strength lies in...
That looks awesome! What is that scenery made of?
That looks really cool, I have not seen that game before, what does sbg stand for? I knew there is a lord of the rings version of warhammer but...
Lucky for you, that means you can watch it for the first time, an ability I'm sure alot of people wish they could have. Lol.
Do you think kroak offers enough magical defense against vampire counts though? I know I could get a second priest with a dispel scroll so I have...
The possibilities are OnG, high elves, or undead. I have a suspicion it will be undead because I know there is a new mortis engine that might have...
Hey everyone, I just got my hands on an awesome kroak model and I was wondering if he can fit in a 2000 pt list without being completely under...
Yoooo, check out what I got my hands on yesterday. Always loved this model and never thought I'd find one so I am pumped. Unfortunately it has a...
I am a lightweight when it comes to star trek and I reallllllly like TNG, the original series brings back so much nostalgia for me I had to pick...
Hey @NIGHTBRINGER I definitely agree with your thoughts on the vargheists. In regards to the chosen they are definitely super expensive. I think...
Another thought, I am curious to see how a unit of khorne or nurgle chaos knights with ensorcelled weapons would do agaisnt the demigryph knights...
Hello everyone, First off wow. Hella job @NIGHTBRINGER . What an amazing showing of dedication, terrific terrific work. Very cool to see how this...
Hi everyone, I just wanted to put a shout out up to @Kilvakar who sent me a unit of 5 lost kingdom Cold one knights in the mail recently. I am...
For the sake of conversation, is anyone scared of a horde of sabretusk? I don't see the value in it. Definitely lots of attacks and the 2 wounds...
Right, what I meant is on turn one after using the vanguard, if I take a shot without moving in the movement phase, do I still get a -1 from the...
Although thinking on it a little more. Having one sabretusk will take half of a volley on to him instead of the hunter, but if he dies (which is...
Wow, that makes it even worse, I guess for 10 pts it could be worth a shot or two if the chance comes up. The d3 wounds and increased range is a...
And here are my first 3 of 10! :) mournfangs [ATTACH]