[ATTACH] This is my thunder tusk who i just realized is missing a piece of Armour on one side. Will fix that quickly lol.
Thanks!! Thats awesome to hear
Hey everyone, I just put together a hunter model and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with a hunter where he at least didn't suck...
Also I will probably adding some snow to the base shortly.
Hi everyone, its been quite some time since I added to this thread. I have had some time to work on the hobby recently and I made a hunter for my...
While I agree that a small krox unit is a better flanker in terms of damage, they cannot disrupt steadfast without being min. 300 pts. Also at 300...
The battle was lots of fun, it was my first W of the 3 game series. We got in 3x3000 pt battles -woc vs high elves - ogres vs orks and gobbos ( my...
That. Looks. Epic!
I feel like I spend a lot of time defending sub par units. Lol. o_O I still wanted to add my 2 cents about skroxigor. Basically the only use I...
Also watch out for the hell heart! If he plays it on his lvl1 then high magic's arcane unforging can be a life saver. But I guess not having a...
I would be a little wary of going against ogres without a slaan because their magic, left unchecked, can be devastating. Maybe 2 skink priests...
I would add that I am a big fan of having one 4 pack of ogres to run around and perform menial tasks in the same way I usually have one unit of 5...
Be careful with screening gnoblars because they are m4, they can take away one of the strengths of your army. But giving them trappers can be a...
The generator is here https://www.lustria-online.com/threads/straightforward-themed-terrain-sets.14344/ For mounted characters against a...
Hey! Sounds like a good game both lists look really fun to play. Did the stegadon also make the 6++? Also in regards to terrain I totally agree...
Hey @Charlemagne those pictures look great! What an amazing looking battlefield! It looks like that terrain did you no favours! Any chance you...
For added fun take a book of ashur and tetto to be able to reliably 1 dice 6 out of 8 spells. I will add that the one time I did this I 2 diced a...
Thats awesome. !! Let me know how it goes, although getting your hands on a slaan will probably be quite the tall task. Looks like you are...
The one with the giant hiding behind the building makes me laugh. Also is that giant wearing an old football helmet!?!?!??!
Hey @Charlemagne That sounds like a lot of fun, I think I would suggest, that if you are not worried about being too competitive or if you have a...