Hey all! Just wondering if anyone had tips for painting temple guard helmets to look like a good bone, I have tried a few times to no avail. Does...
Hey everyone, I read this thread a while ago, and I wanted to add my 2 cents. I believe that a unit of cold one riders can be a very useful tool...
I would also like to add this is not the style of army I usually use, I very rarely engage with hordes, unless I am hoarding (hording? Hordeing?)...
Hey everyone, I have been playing ogres for a little over a year now. I very much enjoy the army's play style. I also like how many different...
Will do! I have been thinking about trying deamons for quite some time, so I will look forward to hearing how you like it. I have done an intro,...
Hi everyone! I have a warriors of chaos army and an ogre kingdoms army that I am quite well versed in.
I agree completely. We are no stranger to using a book or a DVD as a forest, we have a small statue of an old Chinese general that can serve as...
Th aks for the reply! The old blood does sound pretty intriguing, do you think the rippers could hold thier own against a frost heart? Even just...
Hey everyone, I recently had a battle against high elves and i was wondering if anyone had answers for how to deal with a frost chicken. I am...
Its a shame really. I think i would enjoy a solo flying slaan.
Isnt the arabyan carpet for models on foot only though?
How do you go about getting a flying slann?
Welcome! There is loads of advice on here for painting .These guys are really good!
Oh, that was easy enough. Thanks Nightbringer!!
Hi guys. I am not sure if this has been covered before but i am wondering what your opinion on this issue is. If i miscast and lose all my wizard...
Thanks for the warm welcome! I look forward to discussing a broad range of topics.
Hey will do! Ive been tentatively looking in to the 9th age and Aos. Although initially i hated Aos i think it might be valuable solwy in the fact...
An example. I have seen very well painted scales on a bastiladon and im wondering how people go about making the edges looks so good .Also if you...