I actually have an almost unlimited proxy rule, you want to play against me with beastmen but the only thing you have is M&Ms... well the green...
Tyrant with Hellfist Bruiser BSB two units of 8 Ogres w/ironfist unit of 4 mournfang fully kitted out thundertusk rock auroch sky cannon 6...
Saurian Ancients Vs Ogre Khans 2500pts 6 turns Tournament Expert 1st 1st Y / Y (with some reservations) Saurian Ancient Alpha Carnosaur...
Actually saurus can quite easily outperform special and rare, and they do on a very regular basis if fielded correctly. Run a unit of 40 saurus...
I agree, my perfect lizardmen army book would be extremely magic light with a much greater focus on savage lizards and beasts. Heavy armor and...
I agree that our characters got the fuzzy end of the lollipop, especially against Warriors which should be an easy measuring stick, we lose out in...
I actually have enough to field two starbeast constallations, about 2.5 really lol. Sadly almost none of my lizardmen are painted in any kind of...
Trolls, because Throgg is one of the best models GW has ever put out, also his story is amazing and you can work across faction boundaries with...
Congrats! I'm very glad to hear that you not only won but had a great time with each match as well, for me personally I love games where my units...
If the unit isn't competitive without turning it onto a character bus then it needs to change, raptor riders are very overpriced and need to fall...
I agree with sending all skinks to kill them, for two reasons. One, they provide the best cost ratio target for skinks meaning an equal amount of...
So I just had a look through wasteland warriors and I am quite disappointed that they have not been toned down, how are 4pts for their marauders,...
We must play with very different people, because what you are proposing is honestly very simple to crush or ignore, and even if I played it out...
So the title may be a little creative and you will have to forgive me, I normally do not speak on things that I have not had extensive first hand...
They actually internally balance it out by almost always getting the sudden death option against you, because that is worded with "models" which...
And remember that traditional unit formations are not your friends, be open to running those saurus 13 wide if it makes those most sense in the...
BTW, I have an 8k WoC army and a 12K DE army, so I know them very well and will say that lizardmen are better than DEs but not when you fill core...
Yes and they do very well against almost every army list I come up against, I do agree that in 8th edition WoC is overpowered, but I do not...
So how do your skinks fair against WoC? I've played against that army a lot and never have skinks gotten their points back. They are expensive...
You do not need a slann, in fact I highly recommend against bringing one along, he is a massive points sink that will almost never see an equal...