I would very much be in favor of you playing your skink cold one riders as the current cold one unit, they are GW models and were in fact the...
So to make this lore into the best then you need access to wyssans... which is guaranteed the first time you cast a high magic spell if you so...
EXCEPT that assaulting a building denies a place to run/hide, and if you play it as you suggest then my lone empire wizard that is charged by any...
Sorry I forgot to reply to these questions. 1) Yes I meant 14" 2) Saurus against any MC is a bad match-up, in this case I highly recommend...
I liked him so much I have two of his model, I'm going to have one converted to ride an oop metal carnosaur and run that as my oldblood cowboy :cool:
That is an awfully familiar list lol, thanks for giving it a try and posting with results, and congrats on beating an extremely tough WoC list....
Thank you very much for keeping an open mind, I don't mind being sent to the inquisition at all and in fact enjoy answering any and all questions,...
Here is a pretty typical list that I will run, as you can see I focus on 3 combat units and rely on very little skink support and no war machine...
Sorry phone posted accidentally, I was thinking of commenting but didn't want to derail it into a saurus can crush nurgle and empire thread. If...
Just finished watching your battles, great format on battle reports, thanks for sharing with us. I always enjoy a well done battle report no...
The only issue with this that I have found is that the EotG and lore of beast attribute only make it easier to cast, they do not add to the...
There are two ways you can really deal with this situation, either try to throw out so much damage you overcome his ward save, or throw up a unit...
Yes I do, I don't get to play tournaments often lately but I have always brought a lot of saurus and always place very high if I don't win 1st....
Actually I fit in perfectly in my area, I've always been a nerd for numbers so crunching statistics and maximizing builds suits me. And I I love...
I don't play average armies, it is actually quite rare to get a "good old friendly game" and because of this my experience is all very competitive...
The difference between our experience is also probably who we play against, If my opponent has a horde that I need to get my saurus into contact...
I really enjoy fielding an engine of the gods, I find that it usually pays for its points and actually provides some key coverage against war...
Ok, this is going to be a long post, and I will probably update it as I have time, but here is my stab at a saurus warriors tactica. This is my...
I see saurus more like I view sharks, they are the ultimate bred killing machine in their environment, they need no training to seek out and...
This is what I listen to as my saurus horde makes that long charge my opponent didn't see coming and proceeds to rip his main units apart [MEDIA]