well since I've actually played that exact scenario 5 times now I can tell you that the all core army wins. In fact I haven't lost in any of the...
Certainly, I've enjoyed this forum for years but never really got involved, recently decided this was a jerk move on my part so I'm all about...
Not yet, I was out of town for a wedding, I will hopefully get it in this Saturday along with a VC/DE game. I'm not sure yet what lizardmen list...
I am entirely camped in the "Nothing, they're awesome enough already!" opinion, but I would still love to see them with better WS or weapon...
I absolutely love using Gor-Rok, he is a contender in almost any list I create because his points are not too high and he allows me to maximize my...
Red and cream, heavy on the shades of red to make it Sotek themed, they would look fearsome and could be used themetically for games or with the...
Can we please get an updated wait list for who and how many? I sent a message a while ago but I'm not sure if I'm on this shipment or the next one.
That used to be true, back when WoC did not have the shooting or fast attack options that they have now. currently based on straight up stats...
I agree that the WoC lord is the best character in the game, mobility is absolutely key to his effectiveness and he has it in spades. But...
It is still better than not having it, if I have 18 hits against you that wound on 3+ I will have 9 wounds and 3 killing blows, I now re-roll...
I will have to play with this set up in my next high elf game, or against it I guess. it seems really easy to crush, it is totally dependent on...
The one thing I've found that reliably destroys a HPA is temple guard with the banner of eternal flame. Buffed initiative to 3 with a bastilodon...
I almost always run all comers lists, even when I'm only playing my brother I won't know what army he is going to bring because he has access to...
You are correct, they do form up on the flank like you described, but the depth of the oldbloods base will partially cover the flank of the skink...
+1 for the bastilodon, since my army usually consists of a grand total of 2 spells I can 4-6 dice the bastie with impunity most every turn = IF...
I'm glad to know we have more in common than I thought at first :) and congrats on all the wins it is good to hear when our cold blooded minions...
I very much like your plan, winning in warhammer is about so much more than the models on the table and the fact that you know concealing your...
Thanks for putting that out there, Khaine magic actually turned me back on to magic, for a very long time I have refused to make competitive lists...
1) Is this your experience speaking? When I bring saurus to the table it is for two main purposes, first to deny board space and second to crush...
So I was requested to share an example MSU saurus list, this is one I used against two DE and O&G armies, I will add in some highlights after. I...