Now I am going to have to go and watch the entire series again!
You really are a master with scenery! This is an amazing piece and has so much gaming character to it!
Solidly done! What is the plan for the basing?
Really nice update. The orange is working really good with this, and the brighter bone white is as well (vs the more yellowish bone).
The colors are working very well! Looking forward to the next update to see where you take this beast!
Looking good! What great inspiration for some really nice scenery!
@Jorgik just these few so far, but we are working towards all of them! Links to Works in Progress: Works in Progress: Neutral Armies Works in...
THE BEAST HERD Haha, this guy should join the Skaven! KHAZRAK THE ONE EYE, Beastlord -- 270 points Lords: 100% Heroes: 0% Core: 0% Special: 0%...
I don't think I have stopped laughing this morning! You guys are all awesome! On a serious note, hands down this is the best forum that I...
SKAVEN ARMY Completed: 1 Skaven Clanrat... I know... Lords: 0% Heroes: 0% Core: 0% Special: 0% Rare: 0% Total: 0 points The army thus far:...
DWARVES: KRAGG THE GRIMM Not a lot done on this guy... just started on the anvil itself with some gold work. Also, decided to go back over the...
LIZARDS: SKINK PRIEST This one is all base coat so far. Figured he would be a nice simple leader of the small band for now. I am using the below...
WOOD ELVES: TREEMAN OF RAGE This guy seems to be coming along, got more done on his front side, the upper half is further along then the lower...
Over the mountains they came, massed in numbers that the world had not seen in a generation. Orcs, goblins, and Ogres, allied together to make an...
Snotgit, Night Goblin Shaman of the Red Moon Tribe and brother of Skeezer Snotgit was abnormal from birth. Even as a young goblin, he would have...
ANGUS FIERBRAN, BATTLE WIZARD OF THE BRIGHT ORDER At the age of twelve Angus Fierbran was exiled from his remote village for setting fire to...
LOGAN BATTLEFURY, DWARF DRAGONSLAYER Logan Battlefury, brother of Logrim Battlefury and the original heir apparent to the Battlefury Clan. Logan...
ABYST, LORD OF THE ABYST AND OVERSEER OF THE COURT OF THE COVENANT Abyst is one of the few Daemon Lords who exist primarily to keep peace between...
Ha, this is exactly what I say to myself everytime I think I am done with something! I have come to the conclusion in this hobby that you just...
Wow! Love the addition of the blood stain coming up the stairs! And that slann is beautiful! All of them all. I can only hope to do as well!...