Yeah, great bunch of mini's here, some really old ones! Where are the rats wolfs with giant mouths from?
Love the examples, not boring at all! The skulls seem to come out the best, looks like smaller lines might be a little tougher to achieve? But...
What process are you using to make these, if I can ask? They look great.
How does it look on me?
@n810 that is perfect!
OGRE ARMY Galf Tradebasher, Ogre Bruiser -- 137 The Bashers, 4 Ogres - 153 LORDS: 0% HEROES: 47% CORE: 53% SPECIAL: 0% RARE: 0% TOTAL: 290...
@Jorgik They are just small bits of green Styrofoam.
Across the fractured mountains they came, and from the darkest caverns and deepest tunnels! It was carnage and death to step in the path of the...
@Warden And the poles are also counter balances to each other, such as the east who chases the west every day, in a battle that is never...
LUTHOR HUSS - PROPHET OF SIGMAR As a boy, Luthor Huss was orphaned at an early year after an attack by a raiding band of Chaos Marauders attacked...
That skink is very zuluesque! Love the colors.
That is awesome, I am going to have to take a shot at mould making one of these days.
Amazing piece yet again! Just my best guess but I think it says LIZARDMEN R DA BEST
Skeezer, Night Goblin Big Boss and Chieftan of the Red Moon Tribe Manufactured: Games Workshop 7th Edition Sculptor: Steve Saleh Skeezer became...
IMPERIAL EMPIRE (579): Luthor Huss - 180 points Angus Fierbran - 114 10 Spearmen - 90 points 20 Handgunners - 195 Lords: 0% Heroes: 50.78% Core:...
Very anxious to see these gates! Awesome idea.
For not picking up a brush in ten years, doesn't look like you took a break at all! And of course you would start with the biggest model you...
Absolutely perfect! I love the addition of the coral snake!
Skarsnik, Warlord of the Eight Peaks Skarsnik, self-proclaimed and fully recognized Warlord of the Eight Peaks, Chieftain of the Crooked Moon...
KARAL, DWARF THANE KARAL STONEFIST, DWARF THANE, ELDEST SON OF KALAR STONEFIST Karal Stonefist, the eldest son of the King of the Stonefist Clan...