Awesome find!
Bowser: Thank you very much. This is the second largest painted army I have so far... so much unpainted stuff! Nightbringer: Gork and Mork...
THE DEMONS OF CHAOS LORD OF THE ABYST - 430 points GARGOYLES - 60 points LORDS: 87.76% HEROES: 0% CORE: 0% SPECIAL: 12.24% RARE: 0% TOTAL: 490...
And all of the cities were built in four quadrants, centered around the four colors which each represented a different stage of life and the...
KURGAN BLOODCALLER Kurgan Bloodcaller, worshipper of Khorne, breeder of dogs, and hoarder of harlots. Kurgan began life as a blacksmiths son in a...
The link to the zombies on CMON disappeared! I have posted up new pics, likely better pictures in my opinion. Anyway, here they are! THE...
I applaud the drawing/planning it out first! I of course don't do that, but half of my projects end up in the scrap for just that reason.
PIETER VON CARSTEIN: Pieter Von Carstein was once a minor noble of Sylvania, one of the few Von Carsteins to be able to claim that lineage. That...
In the heat of the desert, a warm wind blows across the sands. A place that reeks of ancient empire, and carries the silence of death with it......
Zenard: Will do on the pics! Give me a few days. Toltecatl: Thanks for letting me know on the link. Went and searched through all the CMON...
VAMPIRE COUNTS Pieter Con Carstein = 194 points 20 Zombies (w/ musician and std bearer) = 70 points 20 Skeletal Spearmen (w/ shield, light...
Those snake swarms are great. I love the scenery as well, this army is really looking nice. Incidentally, I got to visit a few ancient mayan...
This model is going to look amazing when completely done! Love the muted tone of the skin, which is what I think of for alligators and other big...
The colors do go really well together. Great looking models so far. My only suggestion (and this is being very critical) is to add a different...
Links to other Mousekiller Armies: Works in Progress NEUTRAL ARMIES: Dwarven Throng ARMIES OF CHAOS: Mortals of Chaos Daemons of Chaos ARMIES...
KALAR STONEFIST, DWARF THANE, THANE OF THE STONEFIST CLAN Kalar was the one time ruler of the Stonefist Hold, on the outskirts of Karak Norn, and...
Love where you are going with the Coatl model!
The scenery in this thread is absolutely creative, and well executed. Excited to see the end results. What material do you use for the first...
Love that TK model, he is so versatile.