I believe the rules they are discussing is under the "beta rules" tab. Those rules were updated Dec. 21, 2017.
Oh...there's more 8th Ed. holdouts lingering about than those you listed, but I've only played 2 games in the last 18 months, so I might have lost...
I'm only interested in the Warhammer Fantasy setting (not 40k, not AoS, etc.); so I doubt I'll be interested in anything this partnership will...
Kroxigors are 40mm x 40mm...Slann is 50mm x 50mm
You can always keep an eye on ebay. I only had the 8th Ed. basics (BRB, armybooks for my armies, etc.) until after Age of Sigmar came out, but...
Below is my idea of the End Times Character we never got, but definitely deserved. Lord Mazdamundi's End Times leadership and magic abilities...
Well....I voted for 8th Ed., but I haven't played a game in a year and a half (harder and harder to find the time and opponents as I get older)....
You are correct, it was in the 7th Ed. armybook to completely resolve shots sequentially (not simultaneously). The 8th Ed. was silent on the...
I have looked through both of those, thank you. I've also looked at unfinished/ongoing projects by other authors (Mathias Eliasson's Warhammer...
Wow. I know several companies are backing the 9th Age, but I've always respected Avatars of War's models as being one of the best. I'd consider...
Risk's area control really makes its basic strategies much different from Warhammer. I had considered Poker, but the real game is playing the...
No game that includes any element of chance is 100% balanced, so rook and scrabble do not fit your 100% claim, but your point still stands as they...
I believe that's mostly believed because 6th Ed. was the most balanced set of armies they ever made (especially when you compare army books from...
Stumbled upon this old thread to give the campaign a read....this was VERY well put together. Bravo! There are a lot of interesting elements put...
Yes I do. WD305. It has 2 methods shown with parts lists. Neither look that great (and the 1st one has been completely replaced by the new...
When the Lustria book was published, I was a huge fan of the Arcanodon and his flaming rocklobber of a Weapon of the Old Ones (not a big fan of...
Please see their rules in the below link. http://www.sadmuppets.org/articles/regimentsofrenown.pdf
I'm definitely interested in this product, but I haven't had time to read through it to find out if I like it more than 8th Ed. Even if it has...
I base it off nothing tangible, only the plethora of negative reactions I've seen on several sites over the last 2-3 months. I know you see more...
As I pointed out months ago: The 9th Age people are doing too much at once. I know they are committed to piece together a quality product, but...